Part Fifty Three

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Chapter Fifty Three

Lizzie wasn't sure that they had slept, her whole body tingled from the attention Oscar had lavished on her. In turn she'd done things with him, to him that made her blush to think about it.

"What are you thinking about?"

Oscar's voice cut through her daydreams and she felt herself blush, and the lamp that had stayed on throughout their night highlighted that, she was sure.


He pulled himself half up so that he could look down at her, "that is a dirty blush, Miss Breen...I know that about you. Don't waste the thought...share it."

Was it possible to blush more? She was sure she was already scarlet. Seeing her reticence, he nuzzled at her neck, "this is part of tell me everything...I tell you everything."

She closed her eyes as his fingers started to twirl over the skin at her hip, "I was just thinking about..." She bit her lip, then realised that he had latched his lips on to one of her nipples. He moaned, a real heartfelt moan, and she knew he was reassuring her that everything he saw, he wanted.

She groaned herself, raising a hand to his thick hair, "shit. Now I've lost all train of thought."

He released her with an audible pop, then grinned, "I know what you were thinking...that you can't believe my tongue touched so many parts of your body..." he swooped in and lashed said tongue over her nipple once more, and her body pumped with longing, "or that yours touched so much of mine." He rolled so that he was on top of her, "as much as I love Nate...he has definitely been hampering our explorations of each other."

She blushed again, but she couldn't resist adding, "so we need to get a regular baby sitter...or start checking into hotels."

He laughed, kissed her, then offered, "or we wait until he's at school...seeing as we are both out of work."

"I have school starting in a few months."

Oscar wriggled his lips until they sank between hers, until he was almost where she needed him to be, "so we'd better not waste any time then?"

She was sleeping finally, and Oscar could do nothing but watch her, Lizzie had long eyelashes that fluttered as she breathed. He wondered for a moment if she was having a nightmare, that was until a smile curled across her lips. She WAS still asleep, but maybe he was influencing her dreams, that was all he could hope for. He was tempted to dive under the duvet and wake her up with his mouth, but as he contemplated that, he heard a noise outside the room.

Nate. He'd recognised that gait pattern on the stairs anywhere.

Sitting up, he reached for the pair of football shorts that sat on top of his bag, by the time he'd reached the bathroom door he had managed to drag them on.

Freya was in the lounge, Riley feeding from her eagerly. An awkward moment, but he was soon swamped by Nate and Elena, his beautiful niece.

"Sshh! Aunty Lizzie's still sleeping guys. What you doing?"

They both spoke at once, so Freya smiled, "they were lying in bed deciding which sugary cereal they were going to have for breakfast..."

At that point they both shouted, "Lucky Charms!"

Freya repeated his need to shush, then laughed, "and I believe that the movie was..."

"Monster's University!"

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