Part Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

Lizzie looked at her reflection in the mirror, the only bonus to the death of your sister was losing about eight pound. She'd never be slim, but she looked a little better than usual. Only to be modelling the plain black dress she'd selected for her sister's funeral. Every time she paired the word sister with funeral she wanted the ground to open up and swallow her. But it didn't. It was another round of pain and devastation.

Her GP told her that her grief would get easier, that there was medication to help her sleep, counsellors to talk to. But she had to get through this day. Then she could take things on, work on how to not lose Nate. But that was after this day. She pulled on the black stockings that hid the legs that were unshaven - it was winter, and straightened her dress in the mirror.

Presentable. She'd had the hair and makeup debate several times over the last two weeks, and she'd decided on simple, basic. Her hair was pulled back in to a French pleat, and she wore the silver earrings that Janis had bought her for Christmas. Less than six weeks ago...and it had all been so much fun, so normal...everything had been so easy. She could never have predicted that she'd be stood here, about to attend the funeral that she'd just organised for her sister.

A knock at the door disturbed her. Her parents were due, and she was filled with complete dread at that. She wasn't sure she'd ever be free of the pressure that they placed her under, even today. Sliding on her black heels, she descended the stairs a little more anxiously than was healthy, and that was due to what was waiting downstairs than the unfamiliar heels.

Taking a deep breath, she pulled the front door open, and then almost dissolved in relief to find Oscar on the doorstep. He was in an impeccable black suit, fitted to the contours of his body. A body she'd seen at close range a few days earlier when he'd offered to take Nate swimming. She was going to go into the pool with them, but as they reached the car park, she lost her nerve. She wasn't exactly swimming costume ready, so instead she watched from the café alongside.

Nate whooped as Oscar chased him through the shallows, then called out to her as they swam together, but her lasting memory was of Nate, sat on Oscar's shoulders as he emerged from the shallow end, water coursing off his body in rivers. She'd almost expected some sort of cheesy music to start playing as the moment was like a commercial for some lavish aftershave.

Instead she was left to realise that she was ogling his hair spattered chest, the trail over his flat the low slung shorts.

"Aunty Lizzie?"

Nate's voice had caused her to blush, and as she lifted her eyes to meet theirs, fully aware she wasn't listening to them, Oscar was staring at her smugly.

Since that moment, she'd avoided being alone with Oscar. He scared her; or rather she was scared of how he made her feel. That was without the whole threat to her future with Nate dilemma. He was dangerous and she needed to keep her distance from him, keep up her guard and not be wrong footed.

But now, he was on her doorstep, and was her knight in shining armour. And she felt relief, which was against everything that she had warned herself of.

"Hey," he smiled at her, but it wasn't a real smile. She was glad of that. He looked amazing in his black suit; his shirt was snowy white, matching his straight teeth.

"Hey," she offered back. "I thought you were my parents..."

At that she let out a sigh of relief, and he chuckled, "thanks to them you're glad to see me. I'll take it!"

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