Chapter 9 - Result of Anger

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Vegeta was running low on patience. Ever since the day he had threatened to destroy Capsule Corp. the woman was driving him crazy to no end. He didn't quite know if she was seeking vengeance for his threats and ill treatment of her or if she was merely losing her intellect.

Previous to that fateful day, she had been repairing the Gravity Chamber and its robot minions consistently to the point that were almost as good as new. Lately, the Chamber fell apart too often and the robots were almost as delicate as the humans.

It wasn't unusual for him to catch her distracted in her work, when she had once been so focused. Now, he would find her bent over a broken robot and using the cleaning appliances to fix it, or that one time she was staring into the control panel box of the Chamber for hours, only to program radio stations that exclusively played sappy human music.

For a time he thought about swallowing his pride and apologizing to her if that meant that she would go back to normal but he realized that her behaviour may not be result of his unkind comments. She had even been lacking in her own human household chores. Now, if she had been punishing him for his bad behaviour then she should still be able to do those menial tasks with ease. But even such simple responsibilities seemed to be difficult for her.

He entered the kitchen once and found her at the sink doing dishes, water overflowing as she was staring out the window sighing miserably. Another time he had heard her parents teasing her over dinner at how she had made her bed with the covers and pillow cases inside out. Vegeta surmised that the loud woman was clearly losing her sensibilities. Well, Vegeta couldn't even call her the loud woman anymore. Once it had been so simple for him to get an angry reaction out of her, now she behaved indifferent to anything he said to her.

He would yell at her and insult her so she could channel her anger into her work like she had in the past, but it didn't rile her up like it had before. And instead it caused him to go livid to not get a reaction out of her. How much longer could Vegeta withstand training with this subpar equipment?

She had transformed into an entirely different person since that day and this new person she was now was sitting on his last nerve. He had no idea on how to go about bringing that angry woman back but he certainly would welcome the sight. He let out a small chuckle at the small pang he felt for the old Bulma. It was as if he almost missed her. He shook off that feeling of yearning for the loud woman as he made his way to the Gravity Chamber.

And there she was, the object of his frustration. She was working on the control panel again and had the correct tool box by her side. Things were looking hopeful, Vegeta thought to himself, wishing that the old Bulma would make an appearance today. He would test the waters.

"Woman, I think you should go to a doctor about that snoring problem of yours, you're worse than wild boar. It kept me and most likely this whole city up last night," Vegeta quipped, bracing himself for an explosion.

"Ok Vegeta, I'll look into that," Bulma replied distantly as she rummaged through her tool box for smaller wrench. Vegeta scowled at her lackluster response, it was as if she didn't hear him anymore. He would try another tactic.

"Is the Gravity Room ready for my use or is the work on it as inferior as the human race?" Vegeta demanded to know. He caught an angry sparkle in her blue eyes and he smiled inwardly as he kept his face expressionless.

For the past several weeks, Bulma's mind had been occupied with thoughts of Goku. She could not get him out of her mind and it saddened her that she could not be with him the way she wanted to. She spent her days regretting her relationship with Yamcha, which she was blaming her current lovesick state on. She kept wondering how different things would have been if she had told Goku she loved him before he got married to Chichi. She also kept replaying their kiss in her mind, and even to this day the memory of being in his arms gave her delicious shivers.

But the circumstances being what they were, Bulma knew she had to forget her feelings. She tried to keep herself occupied with Gravity Chamber work but Goku was a sneaky little devil that always managed to creep back into her thoughts. She knew that the quality of her workmanship was going down but she couldn't make herself care. Vegeta's last rude remark sparked some slight anger inside her but when she looked up at him she knew he had only said it to make her upset, even though he was pretending pretty well to be emotionless.

Bulma herself was getting pretty good at pretending to be emotionless too. But at least she knew she was pretending, because she felt nothing but sad and painful emotions from her unrequited love. She wasn't sure if Vegeta was aware that he was pretending too.

"The Gravity Room is ready for your use," Bulma replied in a detached tone as she snapped the control panel shut, ignoring his spiteful comment altogether.

Vegeta couldn't take Bulma's indifference any longer as he grabbed by the shoulders and shook her.

"Woman! What is the matter with you? Why won't you cease behaving like this unemotional robot?" Vegeta implored giving her another little shake.

Bulma was taken aback and was quite astonished that she was able to provoke Vegeta like this. When it came to unemotional robots, Vegeta was the template.

"Why do you even care? Because your dumb Gravity Chamber is suffering?" Bulma replied with a sneer. Vegeta thought her words rang true but not entirely true. He was finding his stay on this planet tolerable and it was because of her mere existence. Her beauty, her intelligence, her anger, her…humanity.

In a moment of weakness, Vegeta captured her soft mouth with his own and tightened his grasp on her. Today, he would indeed allow the Gravity Chamber to suffer because he had suffered enough of his loneliness.

Bulma felt an onslaught of new emotions wash over her as Vegeta masterfully took control of her lips. She felt numb with desire and felt her thoughts of Goku fade into the distance.

"Help me forget," Bulma rasped against his mouth and she decided that she would take part in this physical experiment as she shoved her hands into Vegeta's gravity defying hair. For an incremental moment Vegeta contemplated her request and was going to ask her about what she wanted to forget. But he then realized that he too wanted to forget about his solitude and believed that she meant the exact same thing.

He lifted her up as she straddled his waist. He carried her to the interior of the Gravity Chamber as he peeled off her mechanic's suit off her shoulders. Once the entrance was sealed shut, he slammed her against the wall, his lips grazing her neck while stripping the suit down to her waist. Bulma attempted to pull off Vegeta's training shirt but she lacked the strength and balance. Vegeta took care of the matter in a few short seconds and his shirt flew off in the opposite direction. She bit her lower lip in pleasure as she trailed her fingers down his hard chest down to his flat stomach, positioning her back against the wall to support herself on his pelvis. Vegeta slid the thin strap of her lacy baby blue bra off her left shoulder, his mouth devouring the newly exposed area.

Bulma gasped with desire at what Vegeta's mouth was doing to her body as she held onto his well-muscled shoulders. She didn't want to think anymore, she just wanted to feel alive and loved, and she squeezed his waist with her thighs with an unspoken plea to intensify their pleasure. Vegeta accepted her invitation and maneuvered higher against the wall so that he could guide himself inside her.

They both grunted in immediate gratification at their first sensual contact, Vegeta quite enjoying the sensation of the woman encasing him. Bulma almost felt complete being joined to Vegeta in this manner. Their cries and groans increased with the ascending rhythm that Vegeta had set. Before too long, they both climaxed and Bulma fell crumpled in his arms when it was over. Vegeta sat against the wall with the woman resting on his lap, her head resting against his shoulder.

In the solitude of his thoughts he replayed the events of their morning together. He didn't understand how a moment of bad judgement had led them to this. He didn't mean for this to happen but he supposed a situation like this was brewing ever since he laid eyes on her on planet Namek.

But now that he had this rendezvous out of his system, he would not get distracted by her presence and would remain focused on becoming a super saiyan. And he even though he quite enjoyed himself this day, he promised himself that he would never again permit such feelings of weakness for a human ever again.

No Regrets [A DBZ Fanfiction]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें