Epilogue - No Regrets

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Bulma wiped her forehead of the grime that built up after long day of hard work.

"Bulma, I think we can pick up on the repairs of this electric buggy tomorrow morning," Gregory sqeaked, attempting to pull the wrench out of her other hand. "I'm hungry and I think dinner will be served pretty soon." Bubbles clapped his hand in agreement, hopping up and down.

Bulma twirled a lock of her hair around her finger as she looked over her handiwork. The buggy's repairs were near completion and would run like brand new once she was done.

"But Gregory, we're so close to completing it!" Bulma said excitedly, itching for it to finally be done so she could collect on her reward. Then her stomach grumbled disgustingly and she blushed, knowing that she was the source for the ghastly sound. Gregory tried his hardest to suck in his laughter.

"I guess what they say is true about couples that live together, start to look like each other!" Gregory finally said between laughs when he couldn't hold it in any longer, Bubbles joined in as he rolled around on the ground.

"Don't make me break out the mallot!" Bulma teased as she shut the lid of her tool box closed, accepting that she would have to finish the buggy the next day.

Bulma sat down to eat, freshly showered and groomed, looking nothing like the mess she felt like earlier. Wearing a long summer dress with a braided belt, one shade lighter than her aquamarine eyes, with her long silken curls draping loosely down her back, she was the perfect picture of casual elegance. She wished she could say the same for Goku, who had just arrived to the dinner table and took the seat across from her.

The corners of her eyes crinkled in amusement as she took in the view of Goku's rough appearance from his long day of training for the Other World Tournament that King Kai entered him into. His spiky hair was tousled, there were some faint scratches along his well-muscled arms and there were a few rips in his normally impeccable gi. However, she found him incredibly cute in his roughened up state, she thought as she bit down on her lower lip and she couldn't wait to have him all to herself later in the evening. Goku caught her staring at him and could almost read her thoughts with the way she looking at him, so he winked back at her with a mischievous smile.

King Kai took his seat at the head of the table, which meant that dinner could commence. A large throng of servants strode out of the kitchen, carrying platters laden with succulent food. They left all their platters on the table with flourish before exiting the dining hall. Bulma's eyes always widened at the copius amounts of food during their meal time. Even though she was accostumed to living in the lap of luxury her whole life, her new life on the Grand Kai's planet was at whole another level of extravagance. The Grand Kai's lavish palace almost made Capsule Corp. look like a meagre hovel.

King Kai and Goku immediately dove into their meal without grabbing eating untensils and Bulma suppressed her giggles as she laid her linen napkin across her lap.

"Oh, Bulma! King Yemma wanted me to send you his regards," King Kai said between mouthfuls. "He was very impressed with improvements that you did home entertainment system and he says that servant bot you constructed works like dream!"

Goku nodded his head enthusiastically in agreement with King Kai, his mouth too full to agree with words. Bulma waved off the compliment.

"Oh, it's the least I could do for him, considering how he allowed me to keep my body in the afterlife and all," Bulma replied gratefully as she heaped some donburi onto her plate.

"The Grand Kai's science lab and workshop are pretty lucky to have a girl like you at their helm now. After all the rave reviews I'm hearing about you, I'm really looking forward to the completion of that electric buggy of mine! The Grand Kai's planet is much larger than my old one and I'll need it to get around," King Kai said as he grabbed a dinner roll, slathering butter all over it.

"The buggy is coming along nicely and will probably be finished tomorrow," Gregory chirped up from his plate of spinach and weeds.

"Ah, looks like you'll be visiting your son sooner than you thought!" King Kai guffawed, spraying crumbs from his lips.

"Those were the terms of our agreement," Bulma reminded as she raised her champagne flute up to him. Kami knew she didn't have the patience to sit through another one of King Kai's open mike nights. But then again, to see her son's face she would most likely sit through hundreds of King Kai's open mike nights, no matter how lame his jokes were getting. Luckily, Bulma enjoyed her latest task of fixing his electric buggy to get her five minute visit.

Bulma sighed happily as she took in the scene before her. After the issue with Bojack was resolved, there was such peace and happiness that followed, on Earth and in her afterlife. Who would have thought she would find such happiness after her sacrifice? If Bulma was truly honest with herself, she never really believed that she and Goku could live a life of complete happiness together without experiencing some reservations. Even if they had made their wishes like they had originally planned, there would always be some guilt remaining from their knowledge of their true timeline and who they had left behind to be together. But fate certainly became a strange friend of theirs. When she had considered it to be an enemy that was always scheming to keep them apart, fate surprised her yet again and found a way to bring them together with no regrets between them.

I believe there's a place where the restless souls wander, burdened by the weight of their own sadness.

They wait for a chance to set the wrong things right. Only then can they be reunited with the ones they love.

Sometimes, a crow shows them the way; because sometimes, love is stronger than death.

- City of Angels

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