Chapter 18 - Unlikely Allies

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Piccolo had waited long enough for Gohan to meet with him for training. He needed to know why the usually punctual Gohan hadn't show up yet. Floating above Goku's home at Mt. Poazu, he flew towards Gohan's window. Tapping furiously on the window pane, Piccolo waited for Gohan to respond.

"Mr. Piccolo? What are you doing here?" Gohan asked as he opened the window wide while rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"You're late, I should ask you what are you STILL doing here," Piccolo replied.

"I wanted to go train with you Mr. Piccolo, but my mom came in this morning and said that my training is cancelled and I'm to study full time now," Gohan explained with the frown.

"What nonsense is this?" Piccolo uttered and without thinking twice he flew through Gohan's window straight to Chichi's kitchen where she was preparing breakfast.

"What's this I hear about you cancelling Gohan's training?" Piccolo asked Chichi's backside. Chichi turned and glared at Piccolo.

"In Goku's absence I'm Gohan's sole parent, which means that I have the sole power over Gohan's activities!" Chichi replied coldly.

"What? Goku hasn't returned? Hasn't he found Bulma yet?" Piccolo asked rubbing his chin, as he didn't think it would take more than a day for Goku to find Bulma.

"OH, he found her alright! And he found her bed!" Chichi retorted, her face screwing up in distaste as she mentally pictured them. Piccolo's jaw dropped open. He didn't think Goku had it in him to pursue his feelings for Bulma, which was something he and most of Z Fighters had assumed existed for quite some time.

"So…does that mean that Goku is back?" Piccolo asked, broaching the subject as gently as he could with Goku's cuckolded wife.

"No, he's probably off with Bulma somewhere!" Chichi bit out.

"That sounds unlike him. I would have never imagined a man like Goku actually choosing to be with the 'other woman,' over his family." Piccolo replied disturbed at Goku's new behaviour.

"Well, he didn't actually choose to be with Bulma…" Chichi started. "He said what he wanted most was to be part of this family," she reluctantly admitted.

"Then why are you under the impression that he's off somewhere with Bulma?"

"I told him not to come back until I was the only girl in his heart and then he left! Can you believe that?" Chichi snapped, almost knocking her pot over from her vigorous stirring. Piccolo was baffled over Chichi's reaction.

"I'm sorry, I'm new such emotions but can you explain to me why it's important to be the only girl in his heart if he still wants to be part of this family?" Piccolo asked.

"Because it is! I don't want to 2nd best to anyone in his heart! I'm his wife!" Chichi yelled.

"Were you even 1st in his heart when you two got married? I'm told he didn't even remember you when the two of you reunited at the 22nd World Martial Arts Tournament. How could the two of you been in love when you barely knew each other?" Piccolo inquired. "And he's known Bulma since he was child..."

Chichi stiffened at Piccolo's response. Goku was 1st in her heart and she thought with time, she would eventually become 1st in his heart too. Chichi knew that she wasn't Goku's first love but she didn't think that really mattered as long as he was her husband and that he loved her too.

Why did matter now? Chichi knew that Goku loved her too, maybe not in the same way that he loved Bulma but it was still love. It was as if a dam broke loose as Chichi started bawling over her rice porridge. Did she make a huge mistake by kicking Goku out?

"Oh Piccolo! I think I made a really big mistake here! Why did I kick him out? All he wanted was my forgiveness and to still be a part of this family! What have I done?!" Chichi wept.

"Knowing Goku, he would have never gone back to Bulma if you had forgiven him. It's like you gave him a backhanded blessing to be with Bulma," Piccolo stated, unneccesarily rubbing salt into Chichi's wounds as she sobbed louder.

"Piccolo, you have to help me! Bring Goku back to me! Tell him that I forgive him! That I don't need to be the only one in his heart!" Chichi cried, turning away from her pot and grabbing onto Piccolo's gi desperately.

"Why would I help you? You cancelled Gohan's training and he's one of the most viable chances that this planet has for survival from these Androids!" Piccolo scoffed.

"If you help me, I'll cancel Gohan's study time! He will train with you and Goku full time, just like he did before!" Chichi negotiated.

"How do I know that I can trust you here? When I bring Goku back, he'll never go back to Bulma. However, you can easily use whatever guilt remains from his affair to have Gohan's study time implemented again." Piccolo responded, proving that he smarter than the average bear.

"If you don't help me, Gohan's training will remain cancelled. It's in your best interest to help me out here," Chichi replied.

"Let's get this straight, it's in YOUR family's best interest for ME to help YOU out. I'll take your offer seriously if you allow me to train Gohan for entire week in the mountains and afterwards I'll bring your Goku back to you." Piccolo countered. Chichi bit her lip, she was surprised at herself that she was willing to let go of Gohan's study time to get her husband back. Yet, she knew it was a sacrifice she was willing to make. Living the rest of her life without Goku in it was absurd, for better or for worse he was her husband.

"Piccolo, if you don't take good care of my son for the oncoming week, I'll never forgive you," Chichi responded, giving in to Piccolo's terms. Piccole gave her half smile, quite pleased with the result of their bargaining.

"Don't worry about Gohan, he's in good hands. You just worry about welcoming back your prodigal husband back home."

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