Chapter 12 - Achieving Love's Dream

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Bulma wiped her mouth with the back of her hand after she finished throwing up into the toilet bowl. She set up a Capsule house at the base of tall red pine tree. At the very top of this red pine tree was a nest of an eagle, which Bulma was sure that the first dragonball laid. Most of her morning was spent trying to climb the tree to retrieve it but the high altitude was affecting her and slowing her down. She was feeling extremely sick and needed to take a rest.

Being inside a Capsule house reminded Bulma of her very first journey for the dragonballs. She washed her hands in the sink as she gazed at her little Capsule home through the reflection of the vanity. There were even little reminders of Goku in this place as well, which only strengthened her resolve to get that first dragonball. She would try again tomorrow after she could put together a device that would allow her to climb up the tree with relative ease so she could finally get that dragonball.

She tied her hair up and pulled on a skimpy cerise night dress. She sank into the twin bed which was the exact duplicate of the twin bed that she occupied so many years ago, where Goku had slept on the rug right next to it. She smiled at the memory of a young Goku trying to debate that the twin bed had enough room for the both of them. Well, if Goku ever made a similar argument again, Bulma would definitely agree with him now.

The familiarity of the surroundings filled her comfort and it calmed the nausea that she had been fighting on her quest for that first dragonball. She hoped that the rest of the dragonballs would at least be on ground level, she thought to herself as she rolled onto her back and pulled the covers to her chin. She needed a good night of rest if she was going to accomplish her goal and there was no turning back now.

She had used that last 4 to 6 weeks to plan out her journey down to the very last detail. She had interviewed several interns and up-and-coming scientists at the Capsule Corp organization to maintain the Gravity Room while she was away because she didn't want Vegeta to go looking for her. She carefully picked out which tools to take with her, because they needed to be light for the amount travel she had planned and still be useful as well.

She also made the decision to not tell her parents what she was up to after weighing the pros and cons of telling them. She knew that her parents would not support her decision to go after the dragonballs, especially after she told them why she wanted them. But leaving her parents in the dark meant she had less time to get them, because her parents would start looking her after they realized she was missing.

She hated worrying them but she thought there was no other way for her to go about getting what she wanted without having them disrupt her surreptitious plans. It would soon be over though, Bulma thought as she repositioned herself on the left side on the bed. She murmured Goku's name with smile as slumber set in. Soon, Goku and Bulma being together would no longer be a dream but a reality.

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