Chapter 20 - Saiyanjin Pride

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Bulma immediately slapped Vegeta across his smug face, leaving a faint pink handprint on his cheek.

"How dare you kiss me, you jerk?!" Bulma seethed, incensed at Vegeta's attempt to ruin her relationship with Goku. "You think just because you kiss me, I'll go running back to you? Well, think again!" Vegeta's jaw dropped open in shock, not that her pitiful slap actually hurt but he was not expecting her react so violently toward him.

He hated to admit it, but she was right. He did actually believe that she would come crawling back to him if he showed her a miniscule amount of his affection. After all, what did Kakarot have to offer her in comparison to himself? What could any woman see in the big, clumsy dolt? In Vegeta's own opinion he had much more to offer. He was a prince, better looking and far more intellectual than Goku.

"Goku! You must believe me, Vegeta kissed me! I didn't want him to!" Bulma cried, running toward to Goku ready to dispute what Goku had just witnessed. Bulma hugged Goku close and buried her face in his chest. "Please Goku, please understand..." she pleaded, trembling against him in fear of losing him when she finally so close to having all of him. The both of them were so close to their wish before Vegeta had come along and spoiled all of it. If Bulma had anything to do with it, she would plead her case to Goku with every fibre of her being, because he was the only man in her heart that was worth fighting for.

Goku reciprocated and held her tight. Goku believed Bulma, as he had heard their entire exchange with one another before Vegeta surprised Bulma with his kiss. It wasn't exactly a sight he enjoyed seeing, but he knew that Bulma wasn't exactly a willing participant. However, Goku was entirely perplexed with Vegeta's behaviour.

"Bulma, I believe you," he said softly into her ear. At hearing those few simple words, Bulma expelled a gush of breath that she had been holding in.

"Would you have the both of us believe that you didn't respond agreeably to my kiss at all?" Vegeta questioned her loudly with an evil smile. He knew he thoroughly enjoyed himself and he certainly couldn't be the only one.

"Of course I didn't, you arrogant jackass!" Bulma yelled as an angry blush tinted her cheeks. "Why don't you fly away and just leave us alone!"

"Woman, if you honestly think that I will leave you alone with my child, so you can go make goo-goo eyes with a 3rd class warrior, you are sadly mistaken." Vegeta warned in a dangerously soft voice.

"Vegeta, I suggest you listen to the lady and leave the both of us alone," Goku finally stated, stepping into their heated dialogue. Goku was all for Bulma making goo-goo eyes with 3rd class saiyan.

Vegeta glowered at the younger saiyan. How could a low ranking warrior like Kakarot even have the gall to speak him like that? If they were back on Vegeta-sei, Vegeta would definitely let Kakarot know his place. But then again, why should his residence on Earth prevent him from showing the lowly saiyanjin some discipline?

"I'll show you some respect when speaking to me, Kakarot!" Vegeta exclaimed, flying forward Goku at full speed.

Goku immediately reacted and shoved Bulma to the ground as gently as he could before Vegeta could make contact with him. Goku allowed Vegeta to land the blow to his stomach, so Bulma would be free of harm from Vegeta's quick attack.

"Vegeta, you don't want to do this," Goku coughed out a spurt of blood as he held his stomach.

"Oh really? Well, I think that I do," Vegeta replied, making ready to drive his elbow into Goku's back in hopes of dislocating one of his spinal disks.

Goku caught Vegeta's elbow before it could connect and then propelled the prince swiftly in the opposite direction. Vegeta paused as he growled at Goku's interception. He flew furiously towards Goku again and then the both of them soared above the volcano.

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