Chapter Eight

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Upon entering the hospital room, the three teenagers gasped at the sight before them. Maddie, beaten and bruised, was lay on the bed with the thin sheet covering her body. From what they could see, she was covered in cuts, bruises, gashes, dries and fresh blood - and that was only her neck, face, arms, and shoulders!! Her hair was a mess as the mixture of blood covered it!! "Maddie?" Carlisle spoke softly as he stood next to the teenager's bed; the girl heard the man's voice as she hummed out before slowly opening her eyes - her blood shot eyes. She looked over at the doctor before her eyes caught sight of her school friends; it was a surprise to see the young beaten girl attempt to smile as she greeted the four. "What are you doing here?" she asked, her voice extremely strained and weak; Renesmee walked over and gently embraced her friend who attempted to return it - it still earned a hiss of pain to come from the injured teenager. Renesmee immediately pulled away as she apologised, only for Maddie to give another tired smile "don't worry" she attempted to reassure "it's fine" that was debatably; Jasper stepped in "it's not fine Maddie" he frowned. This earned a sigh from the girl as she knew he was right "I know Jasper" she admitted "it's just....easier to say". Carlisle explained how he needed to check his patients injuries and wounds "do you want them to wait outside whilst I do?" he asked; the fifteen year old shook her head "they'll find out eventually....might as well be now" was all she said before turning to her friends "but feel free to leave if you want...I know it looks rather grim". Neither of the four made a move for the door, the youngest moved out of the way and stood by her aunt and uncles. Carefully, the doctor helped Maddie to sit up which, by the sounds that she was coming out with, was extremely painful; the girl was already exhausted just by sitting up and hanging her legs over the edge of her bed. Quickly, Alice rushed to her young friend's side and held her hand "quick as hard as you need" was all she said; Maddie normally wouldn't have taken such an offer but dear god, the pain was getting worse!!

Lifting her gown up so that her back could be seen but it still covered her front, Carlisle pinned it up - the teenager had a pair of shorts on underneath. Once the gown was secured, he removed the bandage blanket which earned even more groans of pain. That was when they saw them - her cut up back was terrible!! It was bloody and torn up, bruising already covering where the skin wasn't ripped up. All wide eyes stared at wounds as Jasper instantly recognised them "are those...from a whip?!" he asked in horror as he covered his nose after his girlfriend and niece gasped out; Carlisle sighed as he nodded whilst he examined them "Maddie says that they're from...from a belt that her attacker had". The fifteen-year-old herself remained silent upon the matter. "They're okay but it seems one of the cuts is in the early stages of an infection" the doctor stated, earning an irritated groan as Maddie knew what was to come next "I'm going to have to clean it, alright Maddie?" she took a deep breath and lowered her head "just...please get it over with" she pleaded, her voice breaking at the end of her request. Gently, Alice and her 'father' helped the young teenager to lie back down but this time, on her front which didn't help her badly kicked stomach and broken ribs; Carlisle put on some thin rubber gloves before grabbing the things he needed - it was quite like the day before when he had cleaned her split lip. "I'm serious though, you guys can leave if you want" Maddie stated to her friends who were still watching; Emmitt shook his head "we'll be fine Maddie" he reassured "we want to stay with you". It earned a sigh, but Maddie said nothing more on the matter. Once again, Alice took her friends hand after the teenager had stuffed her mouth with some of her blanket to bite down on. "Ready?" the doctor asked, earning an extremely hesitant nod which really didn't help with her throbbing head. The pain began and for the first time in a long time, Maddie wished for death to just consume her without delay. She was surprised she hadn't broken Alice's hand with how hard her grip was; it was also a good call to put some of her blanket into her mouth as she screamed into it.

Emmitt embraced his niece who buried her face into his chest; he covered her ears with his arm. Jasper remained focused on the injured girl, staring at her back as he used his own special power to ease as much pain as he could. It took a long and painful ten minutes for Carlisle to squeeze and clean all of the puss out from the wound "I just have to finish cleaning it and then wrap your back" he informed "then we're done, I promise" he attempted to reassure; Alice ran her fingers through her young friend's hair as she tried to comfort her "you're doing so well Maddie" she whispered. As soon as Carlisle said "all done" after finishing the job, Maddie let out a breath that she didn't realise she was holding in. "Can....can one of you take a picture of my back please?" she asked, sounding out of breath "I want to see it" she added; Jasper pulled out his phone to do as asked and showed the fifteen-year-old her terrible injuries. "Christ" she mumbled out "they're going to scar" she sighed; Carlisle and Alice helped lie the patient back down onto her back "get some rest Maddie, I'll come check on you later" the doctor reassured. Nodding, Maddie looked over towards her school friends "I guess I'll see you guys later" she smiled weakly "say hi to the others for me" Renesmee and Alice carefully embraced their friend while Emmitt took her hand in his own, giving it a gentle. He told her to focus on getting better and they would visit again soon. Jasper, on the other hand, sent the teenager a small smile as he kept his distance; he didn't trust himself to go any closer to her. And with that, the doctor led his family out of the room and towards the exit of the ward "who could do something like that?!" Alice asked, her voice full of emotion "and to a kid?!" Carlisle wrapped an arm around his 'daughter's' shoulder "I don't know, but the police will find out who and lock the scumbag up" he reassured "also, my shift ends at eight tonight so I'm just gonna stay here with Maddie, keep an eye on her" he explained; the four nodded before saying goodbye to the man who returned to his work.

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