Chapter Nine

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"Come on guys!!" Carlisle called out so that everyone throughout the large house could hear him "we'll be leaving for the hospital in less than two minutes!!" he informed; it didn't take long before both the Jeep and Volvo were full of vampires - as well as a half human. Hours had passed by before they realised that it was three in the afternoon. Esme, sat next to her husband who was driving the Jeep, had a basket of her baked treats lay on her lap, along with the signed card. "How was Maddie before you came home?" Emmitt asked as he was in the same car as the doctor; Carlisle sighed as he focused on the road "she seemed relatively alright" he informed "was really tired and out of it due to the medications, as well as in a lot of pain - I'm pretty sure she was asleep when I left". Soon enough, the family reached the hospital and made their way through the many hallways until they arrived at their ward; they were about to knock and enter the teenager's room when a voice called out to the doctor. "Carlisle!!" they all turned around to see a young nurse approaching them "what is it Kayley?" the man asked; the woman asked is they were here to see Maddie Hunter which earned a multiple of agreeing nods "you can go in but just be careful" Kayley warned "one of the cuts on her back were in the early stated of infection again and I only finished cleaning it five minutes ago". Taking note of her words, the family knocked before entering the room to where they found Maddie....standing at the bottom of the bed, holding the side of it for support!! "You shouldn't be out of bed misses" Carlisle stated with a fond smirk; the teenager slowly and carefully turned around upon hearing her doctor's voice - she was even more happy to see the entire Cullen/Hale clan stood by the door.

"Hey guys" she smiled the best she could as she steadily returned to her bed and sat down "how are you hun?" Esme asked as some of them took turns to gently embrace the teenager; Maddie sighed out her pain as she hoisted her legs up onto the bed "sore, in quite the bit of pain....but I'll live" she smiled "some doctor came to see me earlier and said that I'll most likely be released from hospital at some point tomorrow if I keep up with how I've been recovering". The information earned many relieved smiles "that's great" Renesmee grinned, only for it to drop from the slight of Maddie's disagreeing face "why isn't that a good think?" she asked; the patient sighed as she explained what they already knew "when I leave, I'll be going back into the orphanage which means I'll be leaving Forks". Her voice was full of sadness and dullness - she really didn't want to leave the new town. The family shared a knowing look before Emmitt decided to speak up first "well...we were all thinking about that actually" he began, earning a smirk from the fifteen year old "you as well, are you alright?" she joked, earning a playful glare from the muscular man - it didn't last long as the girl laughed for the first time in a long time. It was a sound that made them all smile. "Anyway" Esme continued "how would you feel about....coming to live with us?" she asked; Maddie's eyes widened as she wondered if she had heard the woman correctly "I...I come live with...with you guys?" she repeated. They all nodded to confirm her wondering thoughts "yeah" Alice smiled gently "as in...Esme and Carlisle would foster you so you'd move in?" she expanded; Maddie remained in her silent shock as Jasper spoke up "you'd get to live with us and stay in Forks" he explained. Renesmee smiled as she chipped in "no random foster home or'd....well you would have a family" she finished. The teenage patient remained silent as she thought about what she was being told " beating?" she asked; it broke and shattered their hearts to know she felt she needed to ask such a question. "We would never ever beat you Maddie" Carlisle promised "none of us would ever even raise a hand to you" they all agreed; Emmitt quickly added "we do tend to wrestle with one another but no one normally gets hurt" they each either smirked or chuckled at his words "besides, none of us would want to fight you" the muscular man finished "not after witnessing you at school with the those bullies the other day".

The family allowed Maddie to think about her decision; they all sat down around the small room and spoke about a multiple of different things - music was one of them. "Let it go is amazing!!" Bella exclaimed as soon as her husband had spoken badly about the song "how could you disagree?!" there was a slight wonder between the group as to if the couple would be getting a divorce over this. Whilst they listened, Jasper and Maddie sat in from of one another - well the younger teenager was lay against two comfortable pillows whilst the man was sat cross legged, leaning against the bar at the bottom of the bed - whilst they drew in their sketch pads. The others were also listening to the disagreement, as well as chipping in every now and then in amusement. "Man, I'm hungry" Maddie complained as she put sketch pad down - her stomach had growled for the fifth time "hospital food is disgusting" she wasn't wrong; Esme grabbed the basket of baked goods which she had placed on the small moving table in the corner of the room "here" she placed it on the bed "I made them specially for you" she smiled. Maddie, upon the sight of delicious food, lit up like a Christmas tree as she dug through the basket "thank you Esme" she grinned; the smile was happily returned as the woman ran her hand through the teenager's loose hair. Within five minutes, three cookies, two cupcakes and a pastry were already gone "damn" Jasper chuckled "you really were hungry" none of them could hold back their own laughter as Maddie's bruised cheeks turned a light shade of pink "they're delicious" she admitted. The group ended up watching a movie on the ridiculously small TV - Carlisle had offered to pay for one and that is how they ended up watching Angelina Jolie portray the mistress of evil, Maleficent. Maddie had said mentioned seeing the trailer and wanting to watch it, but never got around to doing so; it was bought and playing within two minutes.

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