Chapter Twelve

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To further Maddie's knowledge, the family explained all they themselves could to her about vampires. "How come Renesmee is only half vampire though?" the healing girl asked in confusion; Bella spoke up "I was still human when she was both conceived and birthed" she explained "I was changed afterwards". That last statement spiked the fifteen year olds interest and curiosity "how do you...change?" she asked rather hesitantly; Esme smiled, happy that her foster daughter felt comfortable enough to ask these questions "our fangs carry a venom which we control" she began "so on the rare occasion that we do bite someone, we control whether to release the venom or not". Nodding, Maddie found herself understanding what she was hearing "so the venom is what changes a human into a vampire?" she asked, just to be sure; a multiple of nods could be seen "but we only ever turn someone if they wish to be turned and/or if they're on the edge of death" Jasper added. Yet another question appeared in the young girl's "would you....ever turn me?" she asked, even more hesitant that the last one; the family all shared a look "'s complicated Maddie" Carlisle sighed out "being a isn't as good as it sounds" he explained "we can't go out in the sun which is why we live in Forks, we have to wear contacts to hide our red eyes, the urges for blood can be extremely difficult to ignore....we're basically dead". All of the vampires agreed with his list "so....I'm gonna grow up whilst you all stay the same age?" the human asked "won't that look strange to others?" she had a point; Alice smiled as she reassured her young friend that they would cross that bridge when they got to it. Renesmee decided to reveal something else "also...there aren't just vampires in the world" this earned an immediate raised brow "what else is there?" it earned a few chuckles as her confusion and suspicion was amusing " you remember Seth and Jacob?" the young human could recall the names " see....they're werewolves". Wide eyes, Maddie allowed that information to sink in "...right" she took a deep breath "vampires and werewolves....anything else I should know?" she asked; the group appeared think for a moment before they all shook their heads "that's everything" Rosalie stated, though they were all thinking 'for now'. Smiling, Emmitt spoke up "but if you have any other questions about anything, don't be afraid to ask" he offered, earning a nod and smile from Maddie.

Deciding her friend needed to meet the werewolves properly, Renesmee called Jacob and asked if he and Seth would come over; it only took ten minutes before the two boys arrived on their motorbikes. "Hey everyone" they greeted as they entered the house; the Cullen's and Hale's returned the greeting as the half vampire and the older werewolf tightly embraced one another. "How've you been?" Jacob asked as they parted; the young girl nodded "I have someone I want you both to meet" she smiled before ushering them out to the back where Maddie was sat at a table, sketching in her drawing pad. The three friends sat down and joined her "hey" Seth smiled "Maddie, right?" he asked, remembering the girl's name; Maddie nodded with a smile of her own "Seth and Jacob?" she asked herself. After they had shaken hands, Renesmee finally spoke "so...Maddie knows about us" she revealed; the two boys heads turn towards her with wide eyes "everything?" Seth asked earning a nod "everything". Looking towards the human teenager, they saw Maddie chuckle "relax, I won't tell anyone" she promised, a smile gracing her face "I don't fancy being forced into a mental asylum" she joked. The four friends spoke for three hours, telling each other about themselves; the two werewolves were extremely shocked and horrified about Maddie's past. "The county fair is tomorrow" Seth brought up, wishing to turn to a lighter and easier topic of conversation "Jacob and I are going, do you two want to come along?" he asked. Renesmee was instantly nodding, the idea sounding excellent and exciting to her, but Maddie only sighed "I doubt the others will let me" she stated, reminding them of her current condition. Her half vampire friend wasn't about to give up, however, as she called out for Maddie's foster parents; the couple soon walked out towards them, asking what she needed. "Can Maddie and I go to the fair tomorrow with Lacome and Seth? Please?" she asked, though it was clear neither one of the adults were sure; Carlisle repeated what Maddie had said only moments before "I don't know, Maddie was only released from hospital yesterday" he reminded "she still needs time to heal". Deciding to help her friend, Maddie herself pleaded with her new foster parents, saying how she would be okay as long as she kept up-to-date with her medication "besides, I've had worse injuries before and I didn't even go to hospital for them" all eyes widened in horror "you have?!" Jacob asked earning a nod "I wouldn't have said it if it weren't true". Well....that was alarming. "So can I please go?" Maddie pleaded; the couples shared a look as they silently communicated "....alright, you can go" Esme smiled, as did her husband "but Jacob will be in charge of your meds whilst you're out and you are both to be back before midnight" she instructed; the four friends grinned whilst Maddie nodded "thank you".

Sadly, Jacob and Seth had to say goodbye and leave - something about needing to get back to the pack; they told the girls that they would be there to pick them up at eight O clock tomorrow night. Whilst the family went hunting, Maddie and Renesmee found a seat within the whilst they either sketched or played on the laptop - I'm sure you can guess who did what. "When you're older, will you hunt with your family?" the healing girl asked, earning a shrug "when my fangs come through". The two friends filled the time with music, drawing, joking around and laughing with one another until finally, the others returned home "nice hunt?" Renesmee asked as they family entered the living room after cleaning up and changing; they all nodded as Alice grinned "lovely". Whilst everyone parted ways to do they own thing - Emmit and Jasper sat in front of the TV and turned on the play station whilst Carlisle watched with amusement with his laptop in his lap, Alice retrieved a book from her room and found a seat inside the living room, Bella and Edward left for the music room and Rosalie decided to bake some cookies in the kitchen, Esme approached the two young girls "have either of you eaten whilst we were out?" she asked; Renesmee explained how she had made herself a sandwich whilst her friend had only had half of one. "Do you want me to cook you anything?" the woman asked, earning a yes from her granddaughter but a no from her foster daughter. "Are you sure Maddie?" Esme asked "sandwiches aren't very filling and you haven't eaten very much since you left the hospital" she really wanted to get some meat on the fifteen-year-old bones; she was far too skinny "honestly, if I eat anything else, I might puke" she revealed. This caught the immediate attention of the doctor as he looked over towards the young human "Maddie" he called out to her "how much did you eat daily? When you lived with John?" he asked; the fifteen-year-old thought momentarily "not very much" she revealed "sometimes I'd go through a week with only a few apples but sometimes, John would leave some money for food when he was away". After asking why the man wanted to know, Maddie realised that all eyes were wide and on her - the boys had even paused their game "John didn't even feed you?!" Jasper exclaimed in shock and anger; the healing girl shrugged, not seeing, or understanding the importance of what she was sharing - it didn't help any of their anger levels. "That explains your serious lack of an appetite" Carlisle sighed "when you don't eat a proper diet with the correct amounts daily, you stomach begins to shrink which is when you become so full so quickly" he explained; it made sense...kind of. "I'll make you a food plan" Alice stated as she pulled out her laptop; Maddie rose a brow but shrugged "em...okay...thanks".

Before any of them knew it, the day had passed by, and it was ten O clock at night. Edward and Bella had taken their daughter to bed whilst Jasper had Maddie sleeping soundly in his arms as he carried her to bed once again - she had fallen asleep in the middle of everyone taking turns to play the racing game that Emmitt was obsessed with. Of course, everyone else did whatever they wanted. Alice, before anyone other than her boyfriend and Maddie could leave however, explained the food plan she had made for their new family member "no matter how long she takes or how she had them, Maddie must eat everything this is in each day box" she began "for example, tomorrow is Sunday so she'll need to a slice of toast with whatever she wants on it, three pieces of fruit, five litres of water, a sandwich for lunch with whatever she wants on it as well, and pasta and veg for dinner" she smiled "and a yogurt or bowl of ice cream for pudding if she wants it". Patting the pixie haired woman on the shoulder, Carlisle smiled as he praised her clever work; he took the printed food plan and pinned it up onto the fridge where they could all see. Jasper returned to the living room and joined Emmitt who turned towards the play stations once again. Esme and Carlisle sat on one of the sofas as they watched and discussed a multiple of things. And Alice and Rosalie did the same, talking about what several types of clothes they had ordered for their little human; it was all going to be delivered by tomorrow - they couldn't wait!

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