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-Keith's pov-
  Everyone was at table eating our so called breakfast or what they call 'space goo'. Pidge and hunk were talking, and shiro, allura and Coran were laughing together as he had sat the the table pidge giving me a smile and turned back to hunk as I sat down with my plate.

Maybe today will be a nice day, scoping up some goo. Wait... where is.... lance.... he..... oh god.

"Gooodddddd morning!" Lance shouted happily entering the room.

"Hey" hunk said waving his hand. "Good morning" Coran commented. The others just looked and turned back around.

Quiznak Keith thought as his cheeks became warm shadeing a light red not that noticeable to anyone though.

Keith couldn't really explain his feelings for Lance, he was annoying as frick but also just.... so....... Lance. His bright blue eyes shining like crystals in an ocean and always having that stupid but admiring smirk on his face.

But it was obvious that he liked girls, going after every one in eye sight. Surprised he even got a kiss from one... but I mean who wouldn't want to kiss those-

"Umm Keith?" Hunk noticing he was starring at Lance.

Quiznak, turning his head to the yellow paladin. "Yea? He said trying to play it off sitting his hand on his head, but everyone noticed except for Lance who was grabbing his plate and turned to to table.

Lance then walked over to the table with his plate sitting next to Keith thankfully breaking the silence "guess what's happening in 6 daysss?"

Thank you Lance he thought relieved.

"Please don't tell me your getting your so called monthly cycle or what you call it a period." Coran asked.

A choking sound came form shiro slamming his cup back on the table taking deep breaths

A burst of laughter came from pidge non stop.

Allura and Coran look at each other not understanding everyone's reactions.

Hunk sat there not even knowing what a period is.

I sat there chuckling in my hands while Lance sat embarrassed and in shock.

"What!? No! Only females get those!" Lance waving his hand in front of his face frantically.

"Are you s-sure about that Lance?!" Pidge laughing in between her words "I- I mean you can get pretty moody at times" rubbing her eyes form them watering.

"Your quite moody yourself at times Pidge, are you sure your not running out of space pads?"

Pidge wanted to say something else but stoped herself raising her hands in defeat but with an evil smile on her face. "don't you worry Lance, I'll get you back later." And then started to eat her goo again.

Silence fell until shiro broke it "So what were you about to say Lance?"

"Oh yea! ¡Mi cumpleaños es en seis días!" Smiling but his smile faded when he noticed everyone raised and eyebrow at what he said.

"Ugh, my birthday is in 6 days" repeating but with less enthusiasm giving jazz hands.

All replying with a "Ohhhh" and a "awesome, wow"

Allura the glanced at Pidge and Pidge giving one back and noding Pidge thinking 'his birthday a perfect time to maybe prank him, or blackmail or....' her thoughts continued.

'It would be nice to have a little party on the ship' allura thinking to herself. Shiro, hunk, Coran, and Keith thinking the same thing.

----------------------time skip after dinner-------------------

Lance was the last one to get out for his seat account from being the last to dinner walking over to the sink the wash off the extra goo bits off of his plate with his sponge.

His body swayed dancing humming to 'hips don't lie' by Shakira. Now mumbling the lyrics finishing up cleaning up the holding in front of his face to make sure he got all of the goo off.

All of a sudden he felt a sharp pain in his abdomen forgetting about the plate in his hand a dropped it wincing forward wrapping his arms himself

It felt like if he was on fire, gritting his teeth together from the sudden pain. Wanting to say something, to yell for help, but the pain was keeping him from doing so.

He stumbled through the door way to the halls hoping he would be noticed by any of his team members while walking to his room wanting to go to his bed. To rest hopefully make the pain go away

The pain continued to grow making it harder for him to walk, only a few steps away almost there....

And collapsed.

He tried using his arm to lift himself back up but only failed to do so from the pain still in his abdomen. He felt blues presence within their bond trying to clam him down purring in his head

He laid there helplessly un-able to move, only a few more steps he thought, he would be in the safety of his room... "Lance?!" An distant voice called. He couldn't really determine who it was.

He heard their foot steps moving faster towards him, trembled as the hand grabbed him from under his arms to pull him up.

The person grunted as they lifted Lance up to his feet swinging his right arm around their shoulder.

Walking into Lance's room gently laying him onto his bed and covered him up with the blanket and propped the pillow behind his head. Lance couldn't see the person that helped him. His room lights were off other that the slight blue glow from parts of the walls.

The human figure walked to the door frame and stood there for a while if it was thinking of something and then left the door slid shut behind him.

The pain was going away thankfully enough for Lance to go to sleep, but he couldn't. Who was that?... who helped him? His mind raced with thoughts and why there was pain.

Though lance was pretty lanky his hygiene and health was good. Even at the Garason (however you spell it) they worked them until they succeed. And was quite tough passing when Keith got kicked out because of discipline problems.

Timed passed and his eyelids began to fall then drifting off to sleep.

Writer A/N: about 1050 words for this chapter my gosh! Well mostly because i wanted to make it from yesterday's chapter. But I'm excited to continue on with this story! I hoped you enjoy it so far!❤️

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