2 More Days

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-afternoon -
Lance honestly didn't even know what think of his family anymore. They were his pride and joy, yet at times they got on his nerves he still loved them. But things weren't even adding up. Lace was on earth all his life and the alteain's were FAR from it. Adding on he was royalty, that part didn't seem bad. But the part about him being such a flirt to allura, someone he was related to by blood, it sent shivers down his back. The the main question on his mind who how alteain was he? Full alteain, half, maybe a little drop? He didn't know.

-lance's pov-

There was a knock at the door, but i honestly didn't feel like being bothered right now, so I laid still in my spot.

There was a knock again "hey Lance are you awake?" I turned my back towards the door. Keith was there.

"Forget it, I'm coming in." And then came the sound of the door sliding open.

"I had brought you something to eat, Coran cooked this time so, yea."

"Mm, thanks." I replied

Keith sighed and had sat the plate on the night stand by lances bed. "You can't just hide in your room all day."

"And why can't I do that?" I said turning around to see Keith standing in the middle of my room.

"Because it isn't going to solve your problems just by doing nothing."

"So your saying my problem is solve-able?" I question Keith.

"Lance please, shiro and the others are worried about you, especially because of how you acted yesterday. Can you at least show them that your ok?"

I thought about it for awhile. Maybe Keith was right...

"No, i rather stay here."

Keith sighed at the response. He wanted to counter back but he knew it wasn't really a time for arguing "Well can you at lest eat something, you missed breakfast and our dinner was only a few minutes ago."

"Mm, ok"

I heard the sound of Keith's foot steps was heading towards the door to leave.

"Hey Keith."

"What?" He turned around at the door frame about to exit.

"How did you get over the fact that you have galara in you?"

The question shocked Keith, because he always ignored that part of him.

"Well I guess i try to forget, I don't know."

"Oh, ok." I sat up in my spot.

"Lance, It doesn't matter what your blood is, were all still the same."

"But that doesn't bug me, it's like, my family. On earth. I don't know if they are even my family. I don't know if I'm part, whole, maybe a little. But it still means I've been living in a lie all my life."

Keith walked back to lances bed letting the door close behind him. Keith sat in the empty spot beside Lance. "If it makes you feel better we can see if pidge can help you with that answer. And besides even if your not blood related to your earth family they still cared for you and you care for them, and if that isn't family love I don't know what it is."

"Tshh, sure. Thanks."

"No problem" Keith replied but then got into the covers and rested his head on lances pillow. "Im taking a nap before we train later today."

"Wow, so you go to sleep in my bed." I asked Keith but he didn't even reply but just snuggled more into the blanket. So I gave Keith a little peck on his cheek and grabbed the bowl of goo to sit in my lap and eat , and holy quiznak it tasted way better than before.

-Keith's pov-

I can't see anything, someone is holding me back having an arm raped around my arms to keep them down and a cold metal hand covering my eyes. I was angry and I couldn't think straight. All I knew was; break free. Kill. Break free.kill. Break free kill. The words replaced my thoughts as a trashed around to try to get out of shiros grasp.

"Keith you need to calm down!" Shiro called from behind me but I couldn't hear him. Another pair of hands came to hold me in place. "What wrong with him, he was fine just seconds ago!" It was hunk.

Their words where a blur to me "LET ME GO!" I yelled. hunk was standing in front of me so I kicked up high enough to get him off of me and then threw my head back to hit shiros. Shiros grip loseend for a moment and i knew it was my chance. I pulled out of this arms, now able to see again.

We were in the training room. Lance was on the ground bleeding with his chest plate off with pidge to his side. Hunk was making his way back to where I was with a arm over his stomach. Coran and allura was running into the room. I turned to look at Shiro and his arm was purple ready to put up with a fight. I growled at the sight 'they don't want you here, you don't belong' a voice said in my head and at that moment I attacked. Not summoning my sword just using my claws. At one point I was able to grab hold of Shiros glowing arm "Keith this isn't you, look at your sel- and at that moment my claws drew deep cuts into the side of is neck not listening to what he had to say.

I turned and looked at the others. Pidge and allura were headed out the room with Lance on their shoulders. "Keith this needs to stop! Snap out of it!" Coran yelled at me.


I started running towards hunk and Coran who was still in the room leaving shiro bleeding out on the ground.


Hunk summoned his weapon standing in front of Coran "Keith stop, I don't want to do this!" Hunk yelled


I lunge into the the air stright for Coran and hunk


I quickly sat up in the bed sweaty and Lance sitting by my side with a horrified but worried expression on his face. I looked at lace, he was ok, it was only a dream. I tell my myself to clam me down. I run my shaking hands though my hair but it feels different. I go back to the sides of my head to feel fluffy cat like ears there instead.

I turn back to lace wondering if he noticed, and he just sat there stared at me. I quickly grabbed lances blanket and pulled it over me in the process to make my way to the door.

"Don't you dare say a thing! Or i swear I will kill you." I growled and walked out of lances room heading straight for mines letting the door slide lock behind me and flopped onto my bed.

Woo late update sorry about that, but I upset about that Tumbler person who's threatening the Voltron creators with leaks. For they can have klance and trans pidge cannon, it's stupid. Someone could lose their job because they are being childish. But any who, how is your day going?✨❤️

Different {altean Lance•galra Keith} klanceWhere stories live. Discover now