3 More Days (Continued)

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  -Allura's pov-

Her eyes was widened and her jaw dropped in surprise at what she say in front of her. She didn't want to believe it. She didn't want to believe what she saw. But it was to late, the image of lances back was burned into her memory to never be forgotten.

I was was leaned against the door frame unable to keep my balance form what she saw. Lances back.. it had alteain streaks on them... just like her little brother...Losir.... but how? Only the royal had those markings... She couldn't remember... what happened to her brother that night, where he went. She was out before she could grasp onto her father. But it couldn't be Losir, he wasn't even on the ship when Coran and allura had awoken.

'How... how... it couldn't be.... it can't be....' her eyes eyes were glued onto lances back unable to speak. Her little brother was very young by the time she last saw him, and thousands of years passed. It was impossible...

Keith walked up the allura cautiously not to scare her more that she already was, while pidge stayed squatting but the bed where Lance sat. "Allura..." he reached a hand to her shoulder an then came into contact making allura flinch bringing her back into reality.

"What is this?" Questioned pidge softly placing a hand on the light blue marks on lances skin. However Lance couldn't even see his back so the question was useless.

"Lance, answer the question..." Allura voice was soft but demanding as she started to walk towards Lance still sitting backwards on the bed leaving Keith behind at the door who soon followed behind her.

"I don't know what you guys are talking about. I can't even see my back. Is there a rash or something?!" Lance ask franticly touching his skin but it felt smooth as it always did, except the gross feeling of a scabs pealing off all around his back. And with that he got up from the bed to go this his personal small bathrooms mirror that was over the sink and turned around to see light blue streaks and a few areas still covered with scabs.

His hands started to tremble looking at the marks on his back with the blue eyes matching. Unsure what this meet and why all of these changes were happening.

Allura, who claimed down only a little, walked up to Lance who then turned his face towards the princes with an worried expression on his face. She then seen how his eyes were a brilliant blue like her fathers.... hers.. and... like her little....

She didn't want to admit it but she was starting to believe that they may be related some how, in some way, but it seemed impossible.

Then allura finally spoke. "Lance... follow me"

"But..." Lance hesitantated. "But I- i need some answers to what's going on! What is this?!"

Allura had already walked to the door to the hall "please Lance, just..." she took a deep breath and turned to him. "This is important Lance, we don't have time for arguments now please just follow me."

Keith and pidge just sat there silent and watched Lance walk to his bed to grab his t-shirt and pulled it over his head then headed out the door after Allura and the door slid close behind them. Now it was just pidge and Keith left behind in the room in shock of what happened to their friend.

-Shiro's pov-

It was around 7:30 p.m and Shiro thought maybe it was a good idea to check up on his teammate Lance to see how he was doing.

Shiro walked to the hall to lances room drinking from a water pouch holding and extra one for Lance in his free left hand, humming to "halo" by Beyoncé.

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