3 More Days

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-pidge's pov-

I stayed up last night after dinner eager to find out the answers. The reason why? Well I had fount something different in his blood than normal. And right now I'm half sleep keeping my head up with my hand while the blood tester I had modified into a blood comparing machine is comparing each blood with lances.

I had thought maybe an alteain virus had got into his system and jacked it up. The words rolled by lances sample stoping for less than a tick and then going to the next blood sample.

I sighed rubbing my eyes "maybe staying up all night was a bad idea." I say to my self and stood up to go get some rest in the comfort of my bed. I would just check it later on today but with coran that time.

I sluggish walk into my room and kick my shoes of to the said and plop onto my bed and almost instantly fall asleep.

-Lance pov-

A purple blast struck the ship and it creaked from the power and force. I was cratled in corans arms. "father we must form voltron and fight before it's to late" allura says with concern in her voice. "it's already to late, we must send the loins away. We can't risk them falling into zarcons hands." Alfor said stepping up to her. "We can't give up hope!" She yelled back looking up at her father that was now infornt of her. "What about our family" she said looking at me " Losir... out people will die!" He sat a hand on her shoulder. "If all goes well I will see you guys soon." His hand was on her cheek and a blue spark appeared. "Father.." she reached for him, "I love you" king Alfor replied as she fell into his arms.

"Follow me" Alfor said and coran with me in his arms followed him and allura in his arm bridle style. He sat allura in an body time capsule and closed it. "Watch her for me." he told coran sitting a hand on his shoulder before the blue spark appeared again. He took me form his hands and placed coran in a capsule beside allura. "I must stay here but the blue lion must go." He said then looked at me with a smile. He walked to the blue lion and sat me inside and typed in some buttons and cold fell all over me. "Watch over my son for me blue." Alford said and walked out before another strike shook the ship and then I was in space and everything was dark, back and cold. "lance....." the voice was distant "Lance..." who was calling me? "LANCE!?"

I shot up in my bed keith was standing to my side. I was sweeting? So I had wiped my face and then turned back to Keith who was still standing by my bed.

"Hey are you ok? You were mumbling in your sleep and jumping so I came to check up on you." Keith asked me. "Yea I'm fine... just a dream." I tell him sitting up in my bed.

There was silence for a moment before Keith sat down at the end of my bed and began to speak again. "Dose your eyes hurt." He says pointing at them.

"No, not any more." I say smacking his hand away from my face. "Well jezz im sorry for trying to help." Keith replied. Thoughts of the dream came back to mind. 'I wonder who was in corans arms, who was Losir, and why the king was so afraid' I was lost in my thoughts.

"Hello, earth to Lance." He said waving his hand in my face. Apparently I was starting straight at him the whole time I was thinking, and my face was starting to reden.

'Gosh dang it lace say something, before it gets even awkwarder! Why, why, why does he have to be so cute! Ok... just stay calm. Say something cool and sweet.' I said in my mind but it was to late

"I love your face!" I blurted out 'quiznak that was just stupid' I thought and mentally slapped myself.

-Keith's pov-

His face was deep red and I was just sitting there looking at him. My felt warm already form him looking into my eyes.

"I love your face!" Lance shouted out of nowhere. I felt my face redden deeply. His face planted his hands into his hands in embarrassment.

I chuckled and scooted closer to him and took his hands away from his face. And he looked back at me blushing hard, I placed one of my hands on his chin "I love you to." I say softly and lean in closer, and our lips come into contact. He sits one hand my chest and i move the hand from is chin to around his neck.

We kiss, my first kiss, our first kiss then I hear the the door open. 'Quiznak'

We both quickly break apart and move away from each other to see pidge standing in the door way squealing.

-pidge's pov-

I turn on the room lights and see them close to each other. "Holy quiznak! You two-"

"SHUT UP" they both say at the same time. "I promise that I was just.... checking his face, his eyes i mean." Keith said sighing standing up " just look at them."

"Hmmm whatever, but I still ship it." I say and walk over to Lance. Who's face was now pink from him and Keith being so close. I look at them and then turn back to Keith. "Their so bright and... blue." I say turning back to lace.

"I know right that's what I said!" Keith said crossing his arms. "Well theirs nothing we can change about his eyes other than contacts, but it dose give me more information that the changes are physically on the outside." I reinsure 

It was quite "My back!" Lance randomly yelled out. "What do you-" Keith tried to ask him. "My back, it's been bothering me a couple times these past few days." And with that he took his shirt off exposing his upper body.

-Keith's pov-

Lance pulled off his shirt... right in front of me and pidge. 'SHHHHHITTTTTTTTT' I felt my face instantly warm up, it was probably as red as my jacket, I wanted to look away for pidge wouldn't notice, but I couldn't tear my eyes away. 'Why do i have to be so fricking gay.'

Lance noticed me looking at him and gave me that stupid smirk he dose and turned in the bed to show his back. "Is there anything different with my back?" He asked but no one answered.

Then the sound of the door opening came form behind us and allura stood there in shock.


Woooo another chapter finished. I tried to add sum klance in dis one because I wanted that in here since the beginning lol. Anyway I'm also thinking about making another voltron fanfic after I finish this one but the other one with them in college and blah blah blah. And I will happily continue this story! Hazaaa!

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