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"Do you think I will be a good Dragon Rider?"

Sitting along the bank of the river, I gazed up at the stars. Aurora was lying her head down beside me, her tail slightly curved around my body. Markus left not long ago after one of the king's men had called for him. The soldier said something about an issue at Noblemen Country, and the riders needed to have a meeting.

I, on the other hand, wasn't allowed to go since I hadn't been presented to the court yet. Markus had explained that each rider is presented in front of the court in a grand ball where the new riders are shown off. Each rider is presented with their own armour and uniform to wear. From there, they decide on their choice of weapon.

You will make a great rider.

Moving her head to my lap, I watched as her eyes closed and a soft snort came from her nose.

We have a lot ahead of us.

I took a deep breath and shook my head. "I just feel like I'll be looked down upon. Everyone is expecting another male rider. How am I meant to get them to see me just like them?"

Lifting her head, she gazed down at me before moving her head up towards the sky, before releasing a loud roar.

Then we show them.

Releasing an excited squeal, I couldn't remove the smile plastered on my face even if I wanted to. She was right. It didn't matter if the other villagers didn't think I was capable of protecting them, I was going to show anyone who doubted me just what I could do.

Walking back towards the cabin, I noticed how everything seemed to be repaired. And in just a few hours I would be leaving. I wouldn't be able to come back to the village anymore, nor would I be able to help my mother in the harvesting month. Knowing she would have to work just as hard to make the harvest month successful, I'd be lying if I told her it hadn't caused me to worry. I took one last deep breath and sighed.

"Abagail, there you are." Turning my head in the direction where the voice came from, I noticed the king with a few of his men.

Bowing my head in respect, I heard him chuckle. "There is no need to bow down to me. You are my rider after all."

"How can you accept me so easily, knowing I'm a girl and not a man?" I asked.

"I see your potential, Abagail." Moving closer towards me, the king placed his hand on my shoulder. Softly smiling, he continued. "I believe the gods have reasons for what they do, and... who is a King to question a god?"

"I just hope I don't let your kingdom down, your majesty."

Squeezing my shoulder, he smiled down at me. "You won't."

Moving his hands from my shoulder, he turned to face the men behind him and clapped his hands. Upon his command the two men walked towards us, carrying a large saddle, which appeared to be the very kind of saddle the riders used.  At the mere thought, it could be mine; a nervous smile crossed my face.

"Is this for Aurora?" I asked.

"Your dragon is female?" Questioned the king, shocked.

Nodding my head, I frowned. "Why? Has there yet to be a female dragon too?"

Shaking his head, I watched as a high priest stepped forward. "There hasn't been a female dragon in a long time." Turning towards the king the priest lowered his voice. "Your majesty, we could use this dragon to breed more eggs and—"

"Over my dead body!" I growled, cutting him off.

Stepping closer, I reached down to grab the small dagger strapped to my thigh as the sound of Aurora's scream echoed throughout the village. Flying up into the sky from the forest, Aurora spread her wings wide as she dove down to the ground.

The Dragon Rider Vol.1 [PUBLISHED & AVAILABLE ON AUDIBLE]Where stories live. Discover now