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Arriving at the castle grounds, King Albert waited for us. The riders had decided to go on a little joy ride around the kingdom, leading to Talios and William showing off their flying skills. Both were very talented in flying, with William even being able to move around his dragon whilst in mid-air. I had tried to attempt to move, but every time my hands came off the saddle, I felt like my insides were trying to come out.

Facing toward us, the king looked upward as all the riders landed in a big clearing, not too far from a massive stone shelter. I was shocked by the sheer beauty of the castle grounds. The grass was a different shade of green here. Along the small gravel paths, flaming torches were alight with a few guards standing near them. I could only assume they were here because of the king, and not a regular guard post.

Jumping down from his dragon, William headed towards his father. Placing a hand over his chest, he bent his upper body slightly in a sign of respect. This was welcomed with a hearty clap on his back before King Albert walked towards the rest of the riders.

"See you all had a little fun on your way here." Laughed the king. A few of the riders laughed and spoke about the ride amongst themselves, some even play fighting a little.

As I got down from Aurora, my legs felt numb from the flight, causing me to trip. Before I could fall, hands shot out grabbing me around my waist, holding me steady before letting me go. Turning to see who had stopped my fall, I gazed up into Markus' bright blue eyes that shone with mischief. As he took a small step back, I realised he had a smug grin on his face.

"I thought you would've grown into your clumsy legs by now, Abagail," he said, a small chuckle escaping his lips.

Looking him over, I smiled playfully. "And here I thought you would've grown into your armour."

Laughing, he reached out and squeezed my shoulder. "How I've missed you, Abagail."

With a final glance at me, Markus moved to stand with the rest of the riders. Looking up at Aurora, I watched as she tilted her head, nudging me towards the group.

Go and make us proud, my Rider.

Smiling up at her, I nodded. Standing next to a tall, stocky man with blonde hair, I lifted my head high. I wasn't going to let these men intimidate me in any way. I was going to show them a female could be just as much a rider as any man could.

Walking down the line of riders, the king gazed at each one of us. "Today we helped a village rebuild," he said. His voice seemed to echo through the open field. "Today we also found our new rider."

A few snorts followed causing the king to frown. Turning towards one of the riders, King Albert frowned down at him. "That is no way to treat a fellow rider. She was picked just like all of you, and I demand respect be brought to her." Moving so he stood in front of the line, the King moved his gold cape away from his still armoured body. It was only then that I realised he had a long sword holstered to his hip. I didn't think he would be armed considering he was on his own land.

Resting his left hand over the top of his sword, he continued. "You all will help her settle in, and you will teach her the ways of the riders. Understood?"

"Yes, your Majesty," William said.

Nodding his head in approval, the king continued. "In a few days' time, Abagail will be going on her first patrol down to Noblemen Country. William, Markus, and Matthew will accompany her."

Looking down the line to me, the king's demeanour became much more serious. "Noblemen Country is not something to take lightly. There are nothing but thieves and liars there, so I suggest you watch your back on your patrol. Understood?"

The Dragon Rider Vol.1 [PUBLISHED & AVAILABLE ON AUDIBLE]Where stories live. Discover now