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"I can't do this," I whispered to the young maid.

I had been pacing behind the doors for what felt like hours now, trying to find a way to escape. I wasn't ready to be announced to the Land of Athena. I knew they would be disappointed in me once they saw me. Women from across the land had made their way here in high hopes of impressing the new male rider, but sadly for them, this time they were dressing up for a woman.

Taking a deep breath, I peeked through the cream coloured curtains that showed the vast field. It was full of tables and chairs all adorned with white flowers. Gold ribbons were tied around the chairs, with the Phoenix symbol situated on the back. Sitting at the far end of the field, King Albert, Prince William, and Princess Anna sat on their thrones. They all looked so royal in their formal dressing. William wore his white suit with pieces of armour on his shoulders and chest. His hair slicked back, which made his blue eyes shine under the light of the moon. Anna wore a floor length ruby red gown with her hair pulled into a high bun, while King Albert wore a white tuxedo with gold trimming.

Taking a deep breath, I moved away from the window. I sighed as I turned to face the young maid. "How long till the acceptance ball starts?"

Looking towards one of the guards at the door, she nodded. Turning around, the guard opened the door slightly to exchange a few words with the announcer before returning to us.

"We shall begin now."

Biting my bottom lip, I clenched my shaking hands together. Was I really ready to announce myself as the rider? I couldn't help but feel that I'd be letting so many people down by showing myself.

Before I was able to make a run for it, I heard the announcer's voice. "Ladies and Gentlemen, today we gather to welcome the new Dragon Rider to our lands." The crowd came to life with applause and cheers, causing my nerves to spike. I felt like my stomach was in my throat, and the foul taste of bile almost had me running from the scene.

Moving me towards the door, the young maid looked over my attire. Once satisfied I was ready, she moved towards the far side of the wall. Taking a deep breath, I readied myself.

"I would like to announce to you all in front of the king," spoke the announcer. His voice echoed through the closed oak doors, only adding to my shaking nerves. Moving his hand towards the king, he bowed his head. "The new Dragon Rider, from the Village of Knights Edge!"

The doors opened revealing the crowd. Now being able to see everything, I was shocked at how many people were actually here. Those who couldn't have a seat stood around the outer tables. There had to be at least a thousand people here, all talking and dancing.

The crowd fell silent. Whatever life was there only a few moments ago had seemingly vanished. After checking I was still breathing, I looked out into the crowd to see those attending the event. So many faces were staring right back at me, some were wide-eyed in shock and others in what surprisingly appeared to be joy. In all the time I spent worrying about how people would react, never did it cross my mind that anyone would be pleased.

Taking a deep breath at the edge of the steps, I closed my eyes. I was ready. I needed to take my place and make my father proud of me.

Let us be known and show our enemies who we are.

"Please welcome your new rider, Abagail Stone!"

Aurora let out a loud roar just as the announcer yelled my name. Taking a step forward into the light, I watched as a few people in the crowd started to clap and murmur amongst themselves. The sound of another roar echoed throughout the field as Aurora flew over the top of us. As I watched her circle back around, I moved down the steps to where a few guards were standing.

The Dragon Rider Vol.1 [PUBLISHED & AVAILABLE ON AUDIBLE]Where stories live. Discover now