~ 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝟦 ~

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1. the fact or sensation of feeling a sharp stinging pain


The group of soldiers and civilians approached the edge of a mass graveyard- a place that Skylar had never once dared to enter, knowing that what lays beyond is way too powerful.

The smell hit all of their noses causing them to grimace or cover their nostrils in an attempt to block out the smell.

"You smell that? That's death." Hank pointed out.

"What is this place?"

"I've taken enough pictures of mass graves to recognise one." Came Masons grave voice. Packard turned his body towards Skylar and pointed at her.

"You're going down first. You talk to the animals on this island. I want to know that my men will be safe." Skylars eyes widened in fear and Conrad immediately came to her defence.

"No." He stood in front of her- his broad shoulders covering her from Packards view.

"It's fine- I'll do it." Came her quiet voice. She stepped out from behind the kind man and gave him a nod in thanks and then proceeded to walk down the steep hill and into the gasses until she was out of Conrad's sight.

Conrad watched her disappear into the fog-like gas and turned his body towards the Colonel.

"Why send her out? She has no weapons!"

"Because she can talk to these freaky animals. Listen." He pointed towards the air and everyone went silent as whistles filled the air.

"If she gets hurt- you're screwed." Conrad gave an empty threat. He wouldn't do anything- they all know that. It's just not the type of man he is.

Conrad felt confused about this girl. He didn't know where the need to protect her came from but it was there. He'd be dammed if he let her get hurt.

Everyone looked back over when they heard the females voice call out, alerting them that it's all clear with a thumbs up, so they proceeded to make their way down the hill.

Slivko and Mills immediately rushed over to Skylars side, checking that she's okay and the hugging her, relieved that she made it out alive.

Once they had finished fussing over her after Packard told them to get a grip she went over to Conrad's side.

"Thank you- for trying to protect me." She smiled over at him. He looked over at her and gave her a small smile.

"It's my pleasure." The almost unnoticeable gesture caught Skylars attention, once she realised he wasn't feeling one hundred percent she immediately felt concern for the man.

"Are you okay?" She asked, care laced in her words.

"I'm fine- just glad that you're safe and there's been no casualties since we met up." She nodded in agreement and they fell into a comfortable silence whilst remaining to walk side by side.

This resulted in a warm feeling spreading though Skylars chest- it felt nice to be cared about and looked after, she hadn't been in a while- not by humans at least.

The group paused as Randa took pictures and Cole lit a cigarette.

"C'mon dude, we don't have time for that. Put it out." Mills complained. Cole sighed but complied, chucking the cigarette onto the floor beneath them which exploded in flames knocking the two soldiers over.

Everyone else remained standing but looked over to see what the problem was and saw the two soldiers getting up from the floor.

Once Skylars heart rate calmed she realised that her hand had betrayed her and had reached out for Conrad's arm and gripped it, forcing her self to let go she looked down to the ground.

𝓈𝓉𝓇𝒶𝓃𝒹𝑒𝒹 - 𝐊𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐤𝐮𝐥𝐥 𝐈𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora