Chapter 5

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"Hi, I'm Belinda, this is Julie," Belinda introduced them as they walked up to the boy. "What are you in for?"

"That's not funny," he huffed.

"Hey, we all got sent here for something. You're not here because you accidentally got on the wrong bus. Or are you? . . . Of course not. Julie and I are here because we like to dress in our Mom's and sister's clothes."

Albert felt his face heating up at how easily Belinda just spit out those details. But Belinda was standing there with a skirt hanging about halfway down his thighs so Albert figured Belinda really didn't have much to hide any longer.

"Well, I don't wear girly things," the boy growled. "My dad decided to send me here because he found out I like another boy in my class. He thinks if I like boys, then I want to be a girl. He doesn't understand at all. He also thinks it's all my mom's fault and that she did something to make me this way."

"At least you aren't beating up girls in your school or something," Belinda answered. "I was a little worried for a minute."

"What will they do to me if I refuse to prance around in these clothes all week?" the kid asked.

"I don't know but you can bet they have something planned because not everyone will want to do it every time. Look, it won't kill you to go along like the rest of us. You'll just make things really hard for yourself if you don't. And pick a name that can go either way like Pat or Terry or Dakota, I assume you haven't gotten a name yet."

"Fine, I guess, but didn't that lady say she didn't want unisex names? And just so you know, I still think this sucks."

"Technically, yeah, but I think you can pull it off. What's the worst that can happen, she tells you to change it?" Julie added to their conversation.

"Okay, fine. I'll be Terry, that's the name of the boy I like back home anyway," he answered. "Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to be left alone, so I can think about changing."

"Sure thing, I know just how you feel," Julie began to answer, changing his tone when Belinda shot him an angry look. "I mean, I know how you feel about changing in front of other people. I didn't want to either."

"Come on," Belinda urged, pulling on 's arm.

They went back over between their beds and each sat on the edge of their own bed facing each other.

Belinda dropped right into talking about his favorite outfits that he wore back home and about getting caught several times by his sister and mom. Before he reached the end of his story Terry joined them.

"This isn't too bad, I guess," Terry began, "At least no one from back home will ever know about this, but tonight is still going to suck if I have to wear one of those dresses for dinner."

"Try and pretend it's Halloween or something for the week," Belinda instructed him. "Make the best of it  and have a good time. We are all going to be dressed the same way. I'm excited and looking forward to the week, and I bet when Julie settles in a bit she'll be happy too. Just don't fight it too hard and the week will be over before you know it, unfortunately."

Before Terry could respond they heard a whistle blow outside.

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