Chapter 15

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Julie, Belinda, and Terry were having so much fun at Camp Wiŋtke, the week was almost over before they knew it.

"Okay, girls," Counselor Amy began. She was in their cabin, waiting for them when they came in to change for dinner on Saturday night.

"Tomorrow," she continued, "is Sunday and time for everyone to head home. I hope you've all had a great experience this week; it's been wonderful getting to know you all. As a special treat, tonight you will find an extra special dinner outfit in your closet. Each one specially chosen for you based on our assessment of you and your style over the week. This being our last dinner, it will be a traditional formal dinner.  Oh, and to give you more time to get dressed, the meal will start 30 minutes later tonight. See you there."

Amy exited the cabin and Julie practically ran to his closet. He pulled open the doors to find a long, beautiful dress that wasn't there before.

It was a fairly simple dress with a collarless, scooped neck, and black velvet top half. A long, flowing skirt started just below the breast and contained an amazing brown and red Native American pattern. There was also a long half-slip to go underneath it.

Julie's hands were shaking from excitement as he undressed, this time without even caring if anyone was watching.

He opened his underwear drawer to find it had been emptied and a new strapless, padded bra had been placed there, along with a matching pair of spandex panties that the quickly changed into. He then stepped into and pulled the long half-slip up to his waist.

Next he dropped the dress over his head and it fell down around his body, covering him all the way to the floor. He smoothed it all over, thrilling at the feel of it. The tightness of the stretch velvet hugging his top half filled him with a warm and reassuring comfort.

At this point something else in the closet caught his eye, a pair of shoes that had previously been hidden by the dress. These were the most beautiful pair of shoes Julie had ever seen in his life. They they were dainty, shimmery, sparkling, expensive looking strappy sandals with a modest, thick heel. The heel, Julie guessed, was about an inch and a half high, but a heel none the less.

Julie, shaking even more now, quickly and excitedly retrieved the heels from the closet and sat on the bed. Pulling the dress and slip up to his knees, he rushed to slip his feet into the shoes. As he fastened the strap around each ankle he was overcome with an excitement unlike anything he had experienced the entire week.

At last, his nerves began to calm and he quit shaking, he stood, taking in the coolness of the slip against his legs and the pressure of the shoes on his toes. Feeling light headed from the sensory overload, he sat back on the bed.

He turned and admired the reflection of beauty staring back at him from the mirror, unable to get over how wonderfully feminine he looked and even more, felt.

After a few moments more of self reflection and a quick prayer of thanks for the opportunity to be present in this moment, he looked about the room.

Belinda was standing on the other side of Julie's bed, looking at him with a huge smile on his face. His mid-calf length dress was made of a shimmering, silky, silver material.

"Isn't this awesome," Terry called out from across the aisle.

Looking over at Terry, Belinda and Julie both saw a change in his demeanor. He looked happier than they had seen him all week.

Terry was dressed in a white blouse with a large collar and a long black skirt with a sheer overlay. He stepped toward them and they quickly saw that it wasn't a skirt at all. Underneath the sheer material, what looked at first like a skirt were large legged pants that looked like a skirt when he stood still.

"Pants?" Julie asked. "Yeah, can you believe it? They gave me pants! Yeah, very girly pants, but at least it's not a dress. Well, not exactly," he grinned. "I mean they obviously have a sheer skirt over them, but they're still pants!!"

The three of them proudly paraded out the door and Julie quickly found out that he needed to hold his skirt up as he transcended the steps so as not to trip on it. He again had to do the same when he reached the steps at the main house.

When they entered the cafeteria they saw Counselor Amy standing among the other counselors, in a black, floor length halter dress with a slit up her left leg that reached to mid-thigh. The way she was standing, her long, shapely, beautifully sun-tanned leg was exposed all the way to the top of the slit.

The heels she had on were much higher, and thinner than the ones they were wearing.

She must be an expert in heels to be able to walk or even stand in spiked heels like that, Julie told herself.

Counselor Amy spotted them, as the screen door snapped closed, and gave a little wave. They waved back.

"Please go ahead and take a seat," instructed another of the counsellors in a long sequined red dress that reached the floor. "Tonight you'll have your dinner served to you."

They looked about the room and saw crisp white linen table cloths now covering all the the tables. Cloth napkins, nice silverware and glasses were at the ready in front of each seat.

They looked at each other and started to rush toward their usual seats but Julie tripped on his dress and nearly fell.

"Take your time girls," an older counsellor scolded. "Treat this like a fine dining restaurant. You need to be using your best manners and not running around like rough, uncultured, boys."

"Yes, ma'am," they all replied before taking their seats.

They giggled a bit as they sat down and unfolded cloth napkins, placing them in their laps.

The three of them then watched as more campers came in and took seats. Belinda and Julie oohed and aahed over some of the dresses the returning campers wore for this last dinner.

At last, when the room seemed full, Counsellor Amy stood at the front, ready to address the crowd.

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