Chapter 8

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When they got to the dining room, which was in the big house, they found Counsellor Amy waiting at the door. She was now wearing an asymmetrical, above the knee, black dress and heels.

"My, you all look wonderful," she beamed as a group of campers, including Julie, Belinda, and Terry entered. "Now ladies, this is a cafeteria style dining room so follow the wall to the right, grab a tray and silverware, get your food and take a seat. When you are finished with dinner, dispose of your dirty dishes by placing them in the window on the left side of the dining room over there. Once you've done that you can go outside, or to the meeting room at the other end of the house. We gather there most nights and either talk, tell stories, or watch a movie until bed time. It's almost like a slumber party."

With that they all headed, single-file, around the room as instructed. Julie, Belinda, and Terry took their trays to one table and sat together.

They watched as a few small groups of other campers picked spots on their own around the large dining hall. It was so empty that nobody had to sit near the other groups.

Julie, Belinda, and Terry talked about the day and a bit about things back home. Terry groused about how his Dad was harping on him to stop mooning over that boy and start looking at the girls like he is supposed to.

"And he thought sending you here was the way to fix that?" Julie asked.

"I guess," Terry replied, forking a piece of chicken into his mouth. "I guess I am lucky, though. I heard him talking about another place where they try and heal people like me through repairative therapy. I don't know if I can be healed."

"Sure you can, it depends though. Do you want to be?" Belinda asked.

"Um, no. I don't think so," Terry answered. "I really don't think anything is wrong with me, just different. I mean, I just like Terry back home. He is really great, we talk about all sorts of stuff, and he a lot of fun to hang out with."

"Oh, so he likes you too," Julie added.

"Well, actually, we're best friends, I'm in love with him, but he talks about girls a lot," Terry confessed. "That was how my Dad found out about it. One night I was upset and accidentally said the wrong thing about not liking it that he was so interested in a girl in our class and ignoring me. That was the first big argument. It wasn't pretty."

"That's rough," Belinda commiserated. "I get yelled at a lot by my sister and my Mom. Mostly about leaving their things alone. I asked my Mom to buy me a couple things but she just says it isn't appropriate. My sister really threw a fit when she found me in the dress she bought for the Junior Prom. I just couldn't resist, though, it was so pretty and it made me feel wonderful and sexy. I hadn't ever had a chance to wear a floor length dress before, and the material was so silky and tight. It felt so good against my legs, well against my entire body. She was really upset when she pulled it off me. I think she thought I was wearing shorts or something under it, though it was so clingy I would have thought she would know better. Instead she saw I was wearing a pair of her really sexy panties. That was when mom decided to send me here."

"I didn't get told anything," Julie added, beginning her story. "I'm guessing my Mom figured it out. They just said 'you're going to camp, have a good time'."

"I'll bet they'll have more to say when you get home," Belinda advised. "They probably didn't know what to say."

The group finished their dinners and disposed of their trays. They then decided to go to the meeting room at the other end of the house and check out what was happening there.

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