Chapter 2

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An hour and forty-five minutes later, as all the boys stared through the windows, the bus pulled off the paved, narrow, two lane country road, on to an even narrower, tree lined dirt drive, nothing, but forest on either side.

Where are they taking us, Albert wondered, the scenery around them starting to remind him of a teen summer camp slasher flick.

Finally, after several minutes of bouncing up and down as the traveled the uneven dirt road, they emerged from the forest, into an open field. That's when they all saw their destination.

Ahead was a large, long wooden cabin, with several small cabins scattered around it, near the edge of a large pond. It was the first sign of civilization they had seen since they had turned off the paved road, ten minutes ago.

The lawn was a mix of grassy areas and nearer the cabins, dirt, Albert observed, and he could see a swimming pool, an archery range, a sand volleyball court, horseshoe pits, a pavilion with picnic tables, basketball nets, and a large pond with canoes tied to a wooden pier.

Once the bus stopped, the boys all quietly filed off with their bags. Before they could decide on what they should be doing, a woman emerged from the largest cabin and hurriedly bounded down the stairs.

She appeared to be young, early twenties at least. She was athletic looking, and cute. Albert observed her appearance and took note of her fitted workout top and short neoprine skirt, light dusting of makeup, trainers with no socks, and especially how her boobs bounced as she descended the steps. 

He mentally approved of the hot pink translucent visor on her head, the mirrored shades on her face, and her long brunette hair, tied back in a high ponytail and swinging from side to side with every step.

The boys were all mesmerized by the angelic sight of her and eagerly watched as she approached. Albert decided that as long as she was around, he was going to enjoy his time here, regardless of what else was going on.

"Hi, boys," she greeted with a smile on her face and a flirtatious tone in her voice. "Welcome to Camp Wíŋtke, I . . . am Counsellor Amy. You guys are our neophytes, that means this is the first time here for all of you. This is my favorite group every year here at the camp. If you look around you might notice that you are the only ones here at the moment."

She took the sunglasses off her face and hung them from the neck of her shirt.  Albert observed how they rested in a way that caused her shirt to be pressed down between her ample breast, emphasizing then even more.

A smile spread across his face as he stared at her chest while she continued explaining, seemingly unaware of the distraction the mere act of removing her glasses had caused not only Albert, but several others in the group as well.

"Our novices, or returning campers, will arrive tomorrow morning. We find it is best to give the newcomers a chance to settle in before everyone else gets here."

Albert's mind began to wonder and he was no longer paying any attention to what she was saying. Instead he was daydreaming about being at that camp with no one else there but Amy.

After several moments he realized his mind had wondered off and he was jarred back to reality when the rest of the group all dropped their bags beside themselves.

". . .-ou will all be in either the Gigyago or Numees cabin over there. If you follow me, I will show you where you'll be staying for the week."

They all fell into a ragtag line and followed Amy up a walkway toward the largest of the cabins, leaving their bags behind.

As they passed some of the other cabins, Albert noticed the names carved into crude wooden signs hanging above the entrance to each of them; Kuwanyauma, Leotie, Magaskawee, Nata'ne, Galilahi.

He may not have been able to pronounce most the words, but he believed he knew that those were cool Native American words. He wondered what they translated to in English.

Amy mounted the couple steps to Gigyago cabin, then turned around and called off ten names from the clip board she was holding, and told them to wait outside. The other group, which included Albert, she told to follow her and she pulled open the door.

"Go on inside," she instructed, "there's a closet next to each bed. Your name is written on a white card on the closet door. Find your name, stand in front of the closet beside the bed and wait for further instructions."

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