Chapter 7

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Once Amy began walking away, the group all turned and headed toward the delicious smell of hot dog weiners being grilled at the picnic pavilion.

During their lunch, another young female counselor talked to them about how they were expected to act during their stay at the camp, how to sit modestly, etiquette, ways there were and were not expected to dress in the clothes they were provided, and other things they were and weren't allowed to do while at the camp. They were also informed about the makeup, modeling, mannerisms, and other classes they could take if they so chose.

The first class, they were told, would be an introduction to the wonderful world of makeup at 1430 at the big house. They were shown where a schedule of the other classes was posted and when counsellors would be available as life guards at the pool, supervisors at the lake for canoeing, or instructors at the archery range. Other things, they were informed, could be done without supervision.

"What do you want to do?" Julie asked Belinda and Terry, once lunch was over.

Terry started trying to think of himself with his new name. "Go home," he answered.

"C'mon, Terry, let it go. You know you're stuck here for the week, might as well start just trying to make the most of it and have fun," Belinda told him. "Why don't we go over to the volleyball court? Maybe some of the other bo-, I mean girls will want to get a game up, or the basketball court? We could shoot some hoops!"

"I'm not very good at sports," Julie told them. "But I'll go. If I don't need to play, I can just watch."

"Watching volleyball isn't a lot of fun. You gotta play," Terry answered. "Let's go see what you got."

They wandered off and found that several others that had the same idea. Selecting teams for volleyball, they kicked off their shoes and had a grand time.

They had just finished their third game of volleyball and were talking with some of the others about what they thought, spending the whole week as girls when they heard an old Aerosmith song, "Dude Looks Like A Lady," coming from the sky. Several of them laughed and decided it was a good song to be using, as they paraded back to the cabin to get ready for dinner.

Julie, Belinda and Terry each made a beeline for their closets. Julie looked over her selection of dresses and finally chose a light blue one with a full skirt that came just above his knees.

He slipped it on over his head and  buttoned the front. He then tugged a bit on the short puffy sleeves until they felt a little more comfortable.

He looked at himself in the full length mirror on the inside of the closet door. He then pulled a pair of flats from the closet. He decided he needed a clean pair of socks as well.

A tingle of joy rush through Julie's body. The reality of what his week was going to be like was beginning to set in, and he was thrilled.

One he was finishing getting dressed he called out, "Come on, girls, I'm starved! Let's go eat!"

"Not you, too," groaned Terry. "I thought you were at least a little uncomfortable with this."

"This? This is great!" Belinda chimed in. "Can't wait to see what's for dinner. I'm starved." He had chosen a dress similar to Julie's, only in red, with a skirt that came to his knees.

Terry joined them dressed in a tan plaid dress and the running shoes he had been wearing all day. "It wasn't too bad during the day, but I am going to hate this."

With grins on their faces, Belinda and Julie just shook their heads and all three headed off to the dining room.

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