Chapter 13

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The following day for Julie, Belinda, and Terry was filled with more activities and even better than the last. Some of the older campers started talking to the newbies a little when they were at the pool and during the class they took; a class called 'Mastering the Art of the Feminine Walk - With and Without the Spiked Moccasins of the Wasichu (foreigner).'

Just as he had done during the previous classes the other two took, Terry opted out of this one as well, choosing to yet again, play sports.

Julie now had a drive, a new passion, a strong desire that last night had awaken in him. With all his heart, he now wanted, more than anything, to become the perfect fantasy girl that guys dream of marrying.

Today he didn't just sit through the class and listen like he had in previous classes, but instead made a commitment to gave it his all, listen closer than he ever had in any class ever, absorb every little nugget of knowledge put out, ask questions, and commit to memory, everything he possibly could in this class and every other class offered during the rest of camp.

When they left the classroom, all Brenda could talk about was how bad he wished there were heels in his closet so he could  rock them at dinner tonight. Julie agreed, then pointed out that even though they didn't have heels they could still put in to practice what they had learned about walking and carrying themselves in an exclusively feminine manner.

So the rest of the way back to the cabin they lowered their center of gravity and made their stride as feminine as possible.

By mealtime, real conversations were occurring among the new and returning campers and friendships began to form. The trio had met many of the returning campers and discovered that there were almost as many different stories of why each one of them were at the camp, as there were campers. 

One of the returning campers the three met during dinner was Rachelle, attending for the fourth year. Julie decided that aside from Counselor Amy, this had to be the most beautiful and feminine person at the camp.

Julie admired Rachelle's flawless makeup. As they all talked, he kept wishing he had the knowledge and talent to use makeup even half as expertly as Rachelle had.

During the course of their conversation the three of them learned that Rachelle was on hormone replacement therapy and had began growing breast.

Rachelle told them that the bus ride to camp was the last time she would ever have to present as a boy, ever again. Her family was moving to a new city while she was at camp and she would be starting her new life as a girl, at a new school, in a new town when she left at the end of the week.

Julie couldn't believe what he was hearing. "That's so amazing. You are so lucky. I wish I could do what you're doing. You have the greatest parents in the world. I'm so jealous."

"Well it wasn't easy and at first my dad was totally against it. It took several years for him to get to this point. Even now he doesn't totally agree with it,  he just wants me to be happy."

Julie sat silent as Rachelle continued to talk. He was so excited and mesmerized by Rachelle that he began to fantasize in his head, imagining himself lying in a bed, naked aside from black thigh highs on his legs and his feet in candy apple red pumps. With knees bent; his legs were in the air, makeup smeared, breast rhythmically bouncing back and forth, as a tanned, ripped, god of a hard-bodied man hovered over him, penetrating (for the first time) the dripping wet, brand-new, surgically constructed female body parts between Julie's legs.

"Julie," Belinda called out, awaking him from his wildly X-rated daydream. "You okay?"

Julie looked around to find Terry, Belinda, Rachelle, and another camper was looking at him. He also realized he was breathing hard, like he had just ran up several flights of stairs.

Julie tilted her head down to avoid eye contact with any of them and answered, "Yes," before quickly filling her mouth with a large chunk of raw carrot from her dinner tray.

The conversation that had been occurring before the interruption, picked back up and Julie couldn't think about anything other then how real that daydream had seemed. It was as if he had really been there and was now thinking back on a memory of an event that had recently actually occurred.

It was so real feeling that it disturbed him.

Finally, Julie tried to push the event out of his mind by focusing on Rachelle's amazingly complete lack of any hint of ever having been born a boy.

Once dinner was done and their trays and plates put away, the four of them left the dining hall together and continued to talk as they took a walk around the camp. The whole time Julie continued to be amazed at how completely feminine Rachelle's movements, mannerisms, voice and walk was. He still couldn't find a hint of anything masculine about Rachelle at all.

When the walk was over and they had all said their goodnights, Terry, Belinda, and Julie returned to Gigyago cabin and prepared for bed.

Julie, as usual, prayed himself to sleep. This time he wept; deep, heaving sobs as he begged God to please let him wake up with all the right girl body parts and to take his boy parts away.

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