Chapter 5: Let Me Fall

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The border was silent, eerily silent. My captor was no longer there, in fact, no monster could be seen for miles. This had disaster written all over it.

Zyire had called off his Protectors? That's unlikely.

Looking to the treetops, I could see rustling leaves even though there was no wind. Perhaps it was Rose but I couldn't tell through the darkness. Upon closer observation, I could make out two figures perched on the branches.

Garrett noticed I was falling behind and pushed me away from the two Watchers in the trees.

A few minutes later and head Venturer Juni joined Garrett and I at the border. To say I was nervous was an understatement. Not only was I going out into monster territory, but this time, I wouldn't be able to hide among city ruins.

"Alright Venturer, listen closely." Juni said, turning to face me once we stopped just before the border. "The clearing may look empty but don't let that fool you. Protectors could be anywhere and waiting to strike. You must take caution."

"I will." I nodded to her before looking at Garrett as he spoke.

"Dawn, I want you to run to the far side of the kingdom. I know for a fact that they have Protector training grounds on the opposite side of Zyire. I need you to see if you can find out what the King's plans are from them. They'll most likely be talking about their orders. Use any means necessary to acquire this information."

"Are you mad? They'll catch me!" I exclaimed, he never mentioned this. I wasn't prepared to eavesdrop on armed Protectors, who had both enhanced hearing and vision. I didn't stand a chance. 

"Not if you move fast enough. We're all counting on you Venturer. The same rule applies. Do not, under any circumstances, get caught." He clapped my shoulder and pushed me towards the border.

"Good luck Dawn." He said before removing his hand and stepping back in line with Juni.

I shakily let out breath as I turned towards the clearing. It was almost impossible to make out anything in the darkness that wasn't in a metre radius.

"Are you ready Venturer?" Juni said from behind.

"As ready as I'll ever be."

"Make us proud kid. Run." She said and I took off, heading for the kingdom's lights in the distance.

The ten minute run felt longer, as I was trying not to trip because I couldn't see but as I got nearer to the kingdom, the lights illuminated the rest of the way for me.

Surprisingly, there were no guards at the front gates which made me wonder just what Zyire was planning.

The capital was surrounded by a giant stone wall, but it looked easy enough to climb considering that there were gaps between the rocks. As the front side of the kingdom wasn't my destination, I began to follow down a very long path which was next to the wall. The path, I assumed, lead to the back of the kingdom but I wasn't sure as Zyire was very big and my eyesight at night, even with the lights, couldn't see that far.

I could hear the inner city nightlife from the opposite side of the wall. Monsters going about their day to day business, unaware that there was a human practically next to them. Keeping my steps as light as possible to stay undetected, I crept along the seemingly endless path. The kingdom was so huge, it apparently even had training grounds for Protectors located towards the back. Guess I'm about to find out, I thought.

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