Chapter 9: Legendary

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The walk to Gram's cabin was filled with uncomfortable silence. Neither of us spoke. My reason being I didn't know what to say but I'm sure Gram had plenty of comments to make.

Once inside her hut, she motioned for me to sit on the faded green couch. I didn't dare disobey. Gram looked at her dusty table before busying herself with a book that lay on the surface.

I sat in silence waiting for her to speak. A few minutes passed before she actually did.
"Are you aware of what you did?"

I bit back a sarcastic remark and settled for a "Yes."

"And tell me lass, are you aware of what you have set in motion?" This question caught me.

"What do you mean?"

Gram sighed heavily before piercing me with her sharp, cold eyes. "Something is changing Dawn, I can feel it. I have heard too many of the same whispers to ignore them."

I stayed silent and waited for her to continue, but Gram simply looked back at the book on the table. Curious, I stood up and moved next to her, peering into the book that held her attention.

But only when I did look, I realised that the object of her focus wasn't the book at all, but a picture. It had obviously faded over time so I couldn't make out the features properly but I recognised one of the two faces staring up at me. King Zyire. Next to him was a rather young looking woman. Both were grinning and the king had wrapped one of his wings around his companion.

"Who is the woman beside the king?" I asked, looking at Gram.

"Have you ever heard of the old legend surrounding Zyire and his kingdom?" I shook my head.

"Well long long ago it was said that the king fell in love with a mortal, a human. It is also known that when a monster gains a name, it is a very special occasion so when the woman Zyire loved gave him a name, he built a kingdom to celebrate it."

I froze. Remembering the conversation I had with the Protector, I asked a question that was left unanswered. "Why is it important when a monster gains a name?"

Gram pinned me with an expressive look but there was no way she could've known. "It is said that monsters are not given their names at birth like humans, but instead are given to them by those they deem worthy, whether that be a close companion or their life partner."

I stared at the picture but all I saw was Syren carving the star on her spear. I knew that there was more to this but before I could ask, Gram had continued.

"Anyway, the woman left Zyire and has never been seen since. To this day, there is a rumour going around that Zyire has never stopped his search for the woman."

"What happened to her?" I asked, unable to forget the memory of Silver Eyes but not wanting to risk asking anymore questions.

"Some say she died, it was many years ago."

"If it was many years ago, why didn't Zyire ever find someone new?"

"A monster can only fall in love once. Whoever they fall in love with, they become life partners."

For once in my life, I was truly at a loss for words. I had heard that monsters were extremely loyal but I never thought to this extent. "Why?"

"A monster only has the capability of loving one person because both their heart and soul only has room for one. Whoever that one is will receive endless amounts of love and devotion. It's rather enchanting in my opinion."

"But h-how? I can't even begin to imagine..." I trailed off, unable to comprehend that level of emotion. Humans are known for their emotions, but what of monsters? If they can feel and give this kind of devotion, then monsters could be more human than all of us combined.

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