Chapter 14: Warning

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I was still in shock as I made my way back to the Base, did I really want Syren? Surely this was just a trick of my imagination. Although I couldn't deny what I felt towards her, the feeling was just as real as I was. It had settled deep within me and I wasn't sure if I'd ever be able to get rid of it.

I snapped out of my thoughts when the sight of familiar red hair greeted me. "Well, well, well. Look who decided to show up on time."

"I'm not that bad Rose." I couldn't help but smile. The Watcher jumped off of the low branch she was perched on.

"Yes you are." She laughed and hugged me. "Glad to see you made it back okay, looks like you had help though. Make new friends?"

Gesturing back to where the Protectors had once been, Rose smirked at me.

"I'm guessing you saw."

"Of course I did, all three of them."

Suddenly a twig snapped and Freya came into view seconds later.

"Wow, you're back!" The young Watcher exclaimed as she pulled me in for a tight hug. I nearly lost balance due to her excitement and the satchel.

"That's what I said." Rose grumbled from behind me. "She came back with three monsters this time."

"Three?" She sounded dumbfounded as she pulled away to face me. "I thought it was just Syren?"

"Not anymore apparently."

"Look," I brought my face to my hands, fully aware of the satchel weighing me down with every passing moment. "I did come back with three monsters who saved my sorry ass but that's not what's important here."

"Then what is?" Rose eyed my satchel suspiciously.

"I brought back books from an old library." Keeping my voice low, I pulled out one of the smaller books and showed them. "They're all about monsters."

I would've laughed at the expressions on their faces if we weren't in the woods where Watchers could be nearby.

"I thought books like that are impossible to get a hold of." Freya whispered, looking at the book curiously. "How did you find this library?"

"Gram." That was all I had to say for them both to understand.

"Oh of course, the wicked witch strikes again." I rolled my eyes at Rose's comment and shoved the book back into my satchel.

"Well if you're interested, stay over tonight Rose and we can all read these." I patted my satchel, quite happy with myself for completing my mission.

"I wasn't aware you're starting a book club Dawn." Rose smiled and casually put her arm around my shoulders. "Sure I'll come."

"Late night book club it is."

Smiling, all three of us made it back to the Base. I noticed that the Service were currently cleaning the tables from dinner and my stomach growled. When was the last time I ate?

We parted ways with Rose with the promise of meeting up later and Freya and I made our way back home.

"You missed dinner." Freya said as I opened the door. "But I thought you might so I snuck you back my leftovers."

"What would I do without you?" I grinned and wandered into the familiar sight of home. I found her leftovers on the table and just the sight of it made my stomach rumble again.

"Starve probably."

I laughed before devouring the rice and beans. I never knew how hungry I was before eating. The food was gone within a minute.

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