Chapter 11: Believe

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A few weeks had passed since the mysterious event in Zyire and until now it has been quiet. I resented the stillness of both the Base and the kingdom.

No monster sighting reports coming from the Watchers nor any glimpse of them from my own frequent investigations to the border.

It was as if someone had somehow stopped time, freezing us in the same dull daily cycle.

Garrett and his son left on some expedition to the north two days after I jumped. No doubt they would get a surprise when they returned. The leader made frequent journeys to the north which mainly lead to the mountains. No one knew what lay beyond, no one dared to find out.

Once everything had calmed down about me returning from the dead, the Base had a more relaxed atmosphere as both the leader and Zaque were away though unfortunately they were due to return today.

Freya hadn't forgiven me for a while until I dragged her to a gap in the trees that we always used to go to as children. This 'gap' was where the forest ended slightly to the north and there was a grassy hill between our forest and the forest that connected to the mountains in the distance. Both Freya and I loved this place and as no one else ever came here, we claimed it as our own.

"Dawn, you need to tell me everything." My sister had said the minute we sat down on the hill, the grass swaying lightly in the gentle breeze.

"Yes I do."

"I mean right now, no one else is here."

I paused for a moment, looking around. I wanted to protect Freya, it's been my first instinct since our parents died but how could I possibly protect her from what she didn't know? "Alright then, is there anything specific you'd like to know first?"

"Yeah, why did Garrett ask you to go in the first place? Even I know that's a suicide mission."

I sighed. I didn't think that Freya would want to start off with the questions that had easy answers. "I have a theory and you're either gonna hate it or not believe it."

"I believe you Dawn."

"Right, I have this theory that Garrett is not who he seems. I found out something while I was away that seemed impossible but the more I thought about it, the more it made sense." I paused, unsure of how to continue. How could I tell my sister that her father possibly died because of the man that nearly caused my own death? "It has something to do with our father and how he died."

I heard her inhale sharply. Even though she couldn't remember him as she was very small, Freya has a kind heart and hearing about pain of any kind was enough for her to feel sympathy. Especially that of her own family.

When she said nothing, I continued. "I think that Garrett sent our father on some futile mission and it ended the same way mine did, with him having to take his own life."

The look of horror that crossed my sister's features was enough to make me hug her. "But why?" I heard her say into my shoulder. "Why is he sending you on these 'missions' that end in disaster?"

"I don't know but I promise you Freya," I held her out at arms length and caught her saddened hazel eyes. "I'll find out."

She nodded, her strawberry blonde hair catching the sun making Freya look radiant. "Just don't get hurt."

"I won't. I survived once didn't I?"

"Speaking of which, who was that monster who saved you?" I hesitated, unsure of whether or not to tell the truth. Freya seemed to notice my hesitation.

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