A Girl Haunted

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Told by TeaNHeartache

This story is the first in a long line of paranormal experiences that have led me to believe that I somehow attracted spirits and entities wherever I go. This was the event that kicked it all off. It began when my family and I moved into a new house in Rialto, California, about thirteen years ago.

I remember being so excited because it was the first time in my life that I was going to have my own bedroom. For a girl turning thirteen that was a pretty big deal. I didn't care that it was the smallest room in the house or that it was all the way in the back by the garage, all that mattered was having my personal space. When we moved into the house we were forced to clean out the stuff left behind by the previous tenants. It honestly looked like they had left in a hurry, having left many of their possessions behind.

We found some strange items in the closet of my room; my mother being from a religious background seemed particularly upset by them. I remember her saying to throw them away and that they were bad. I don't recall all that we found other than this green glass jar that had a strange goat head on it along with some odd designs. I didn't think much of it and threw it all away as she had requested.

A couple weeks later we were completely moved in and I had my own space. I couldn't have been happier. The only real issue with my room was that the closet door was broken, as it was always open about two inches. It was a repair that was added to the list, but wasn't of the highest importance.

It probably was about a month into having my own room that I would get this strange feeling whenever I was alone that someone was watching me. I couldn't explain it, but it made me feel jumpy and uncomfortable. It became more and more oppressive as the weeks dragged on. It was worse when I would go to bed at night. I would lay awake, looking at my ceiling and feeling like someone was staring out of the closest at me.

It got so bad that I couldn't stand the dark. I wanted to be able to see everything that was in my room. I started sleeping with my bedroom light on, which my mom seemed concerned about, but when I told her the reason why she said it was all in my mind. However, my mother had let me pick out these lights to string up around my room, kind of like Christmas lights, only they were Halloween lights because I loved the color orange at the time.

The light seemed to help feel a little better, but it didn't take away the uneasy feeling. Some nights I would lay in bed staring at the crack of my closest, trying to spy if there truly was something there, something that would explain the paranoia I felt. At around the same time, my sister, who is three years older, had gotten herself a babysitting gig. The kids would come over and stay at our house sometimes, which often led to me giving up my bedroom on those nights.

The thing was the kids seemed to become upset whenever it was time to go to sleep. They would complain about my room, saying that it scared them. My sister didn't think much of it, but I knew how they felt, because I was scared of my room too. I hadn't seen anything, heard anything, but it was just this overbearing feeling of being watched constantly. What I didn't know was that the presence had been waiting patiently for the right time to make itself known.

It was the night of my thirteenth birthday that it all came to a head. I had been allowed by my mom to have a sleepover with a couple of my girlfriends and I was so excited, not only because my friends were coming over, but because I had recently become friends with an older, more popular girl, and for the sake of keeping her identity private I'll name her B.

My party was going off without a problem and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. What I hadn't noticed was one by one the girls started to leave my room. It happened gradually until it was only me and B in my bedroom. At this point I was a little upset that my friends had left me, because I assumed they were hanging out with my older and "cooler" sister.

Real Life Paranormal Experiences Part 1Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt