Chapter Nine.

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"Avery, get up!" Someone's annoying voice was yelling in my ear. I groaned and shoved my head under my pillow to avoid hearing it anymore. But the voice only got louder and soon my pillow was ripped off of my head and tossed across the room, hitting the wall with a quiet thud. "Avery, your hunk of a boss is at the door. Now get your ass out of bed!" the voice I now recognize was Talia, and I shot right out of bed just now comprehending what she said.

"Cameron's here?!" I practically screeched in her face, before jumping out of bed and dashing down the hallway.

"Yeah, he's been at the door for a while now" Talia mumbled with a yawn before slowly wandering into the kitchen and making herself a cup of coffee. Looking at the clock beside my TV I saw it was almost eight thirty, and Cameron was probably banging on my door for half an hour by now. Last night after he asked me out I couldn't fall asleep for the life of me, and around two AM I gave up and chugged some nigh time cough medicine. I'm sure regretting that now.

I ripped open my front door, Cameron almost slamming his fist down into my face as he prepared to knock for probably the hundredth time. "Cameron, I'm so sorry!" I cried out, motioning for him to walk in through my open door. He smirked down at me before slowly strutting past me and into my living room. I smelled his cologne as he past me, and I almost crumpled down onto my carpet with how sweet he smelled.

His muscles flexed through his tight short sleeve white shirt as he looked around my apartment, and his dark blue jeans hung onto his perfect behind, making me want to do nothing more than reach over and cup it between my tiny hands. He looked so handsome and content outside of his business clothes, making me love him even more.

"A Jets fan huh?" He suddenly asked, with hands crossed over his face. I furrowed my brow at him before he nodded down to my shirt. I looked down and gasped realizing I was practically wearing nothing in front of him right now. I couldn't lift my face in fear that he would see the terribly bright blush that manifested on my cheeks. "Definitely would have thought you a Giants girl" He said with a chuckle, I could almost hear the smirk through his voice.

I slowly pulled my head up and glared at him. "Ew" was all I said, scrunching up my nose at the football team my father raised me to never cheer for. Cameron sucked a breath before the smirk left his face and he coughed awkwardly. I crossed my hands over my chest feeling suddenly insecure as Cameron's eyes raked over my barely covered legs.

"Hi Cameron!" I heard Talia's now chipper voice call out through the opening in my kitchen. She was smirking looking between the two of us while sipping her cup of coffee slowly. Cameron and Talia have met a couple times, when she visited me in the office, or she just happened to be with me when Cameron needed an errand done. She of course being my best friend knew all about my infatuation with my hunk of a boss.

"Hello Talia" Cameron said his eyes still not leaving me, whether he was looking at my messy bed head, or day old makeup, I would never know. But either way, I have seen myself enough times in the morning to know I was definitely nothing too pretty to look at this early.

"Ray, go put some pants on before Cameron has a heart attack" Talia said chuckling when she walked into the living room, before she gently pushed me out of my rooted spot down to my bedroom. I could feel Cameron's eyes on me the entire way, and it wasn't until I made it back to my bedroom and shut the door that i finally felt like I could breath.

Ten minutes later and I was finally dressed and felt somewhat presentable to actually be seen with my beautiful boss. Cameron's casual attire made me feel a lot better about choosing what i wore; light blue jeans, a plain black loose top and some old sandals I found in the back of my closet. It was pretty easy to choose what to wear seeing as everything I owned was pretty plain or old. I never found the need to go buy new clothes, I never went anywhere. I just tossed my long hair into a low pony tail and washed my old makeup off, to replace it with just mascara and blush.

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