Chapter Twenty.

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My naked body was sore, so very sore. After we unpacked when we got to our room, Cameron ravished me in every corner of our room. At one point I swear we almost broke the bed. Thankfully we were rather secluded, or the other hotel guests would have needed to cover their ears. I was laying in our rather comfortable bed, having just woken up from a much needed nap. It was almost dark outside, and from hearing the shower in the bathroom going that was where I guessed Cameron was.

Even after hours of love making, I still couldn't get enough of him. So I untangled myself from the dark blue bed sheets and headed across the room to the open bathroom. Steam was filling the room, and Cameron's soft humming could be heard from behind the shower door. I smiled when I saw his silhouette from behind the stained glass. I was barely able to see the outline of his perfect behind, and his large toned arms. I was wet just looking at him, even just the illusion of him was enough to get me off.

I slid open the door slowly before stepping into the steaming hot water. Cameron turned around and smirked seeing me standing behind him, he opened his mouth to speak but I cut him off by placing my lips to his. I moaned and wrapped my arms around his neck as he pushed me gently back to the shower wall.

He pulled his lips off of mine and placed rough kisses down my neck. My fingers entangled themselves in his long, wet hair and I pulled him as close to my body as I could. I would never get used to the feel of his amazing body against mine, the pleasure I felt knowing that I was the one here with him and not someone else. "Were going to be late for dinner baby" Cameron mumbled into my chest as he gently nipped playfully at my breasts.

I moaned gripping his hair tightly as the tip of one nipple was gently sucked into his mouth. "I can think of something much more appetizing" I whispered before pushing Cameron into the opposing wall. He grunted before moaning loudly when i dropped to my knees and took him into my mouth. "Oh, fuck" He said as i swirled my tongue around the head of his hardened member.

He gently guided my head as I slowly took him deep into my mouth. A moan sounded from my own throat causing a vibration to roll through him and grip my head tighter to him. "Shit, let me fuck you baby" He groaned and pulled me up by my shoulders. My back was quickly pushed into the wall behind me, my legs around his waist.

"Oh my God" I moaned as Cameron slid inside of me. I was sore still from the events earlier in the day, but I didn't care. I wanted him and needed him every second of the day, and thankfully we were on vacation and I could get as much of him as I wanted. It didn't take very long for the pain to subside, and pleasure was all I felt. It was almost more intense this way, and even once an orgasm ripped through my body, it was like I just couldn't stop cumming.

My insides were shivering, I could barely keep my legs wrapped around his body and I felt like I would fall to the ground had it not been for Cameron holding me up. "Shit, Shit, Shit" was all i could hear in my ear as Cameron released himself inside of me. His head was rested against my shoulder and I could feel his own body tensing underneath mine. I pushed his hair out of his face and kissed his forehead gently.

"I love you so much" He whispered as he rested his forehead against mine, and I felt like my voice would fail me right now so I opted to just kissing him instead. He gently set me down on my wobbly feet before grabbing some shampoo and working it through my hair. It was a strange feeling having someone do this for me, something I had been doing for myself for as long as i can remember. He must have caught me looking at him weird, because we looked down at me with a raised eyebrow.

"It's weird having someone do this for me, nobody's ever washed my hair before" I said softly, letting out a nervous laugh as I looked down. Cameron's fingertips were like magic on my scalp, and leave it to the man to be able to make the simplest of things feel erotic. "You deserve to be treated like a queen Avery, hopefully one day you'll be my queen" Cameron said before taking my chin between his fingertips and kissing me tenderly not even giving me a chance to respond.

Cameron and I of course missed our dinner reservation back at the hotel, so he ordered in room service and we ate out on the balcony over looking the water. It was peaceful and so much more romantic then sitting in a crowded restaurant with people we didn't know. The food was delicious; a rack of lamb with roasted vegetables, pairing it with a wonderful bottle of Pinot Noir. After two glasses I was already feeling it's effects.

"Sweetheart" Cameron said, and I looked over to him after setting my cuttlery down. "I think some things need to change when we get back to New York" he said reaching over and taking my hand.

I felt like my heart leapt up into my throat as I didn't know where this conversation was going. "I dont want you to be my secretary anymore" He said, rubbing his thumb over my knuckles. My breath caught in my throat at the thought of not seeing him through my office everyday.

"What? Why? Have I done something wrong?" I asked quickly, worrying that I messed up something around the office. "What? No sweetheart! You are the best secretary slash assistant I have ever had. I have never had someone work as hard as you have, you are a phenomenal employee and that is why I am giving you a promotion" He finished.

I released a breath I hadn't realized I had been holding. I squeezed his hand tightly and held back the worried tears I had brewing behind my green eyes. "Baby, I want you to be the new Chief Officer of Operations for James Enterprises, Jonathan is retiring next month and I couldn't think of a better person for the job. Bradley will take over your duties as my secretary, and you'll still see me as I'll be right across the hall" He said. I smiled brightly realizing not only did this amazing man trust me in his company, but i was finally moving up in the business world.

I leapt from my chair and walked around the table to sit on Cameron's lap, kissing him slowly on the lips. He chuckled before pulling away from me "Does this mean you accept the job?" He asked, nuzzling his head into my neck. I moaned softly before nodding my head against his, "Hell yes" I said causing Cameron to laugh once more.

It wasn't long before Cameron and I were ravishing each other, having the hardest time keeping our hands to ourselves. And dinner laid abandoned on the table until morning...

Sinfully Beautiful.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ