Chapter Twenty-Two

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I couldn't breathe, I couldn't think. All I could think about was the fact that Maxwell was here in my apartment, with a gun to my back and nobody knew he was here. Cameron was back at his apartment no doubt, and would think I was just taking my time packing my things. I couldn't even rejoice in the fact that Cameron asked me to move in with him, Maxwell once again proved to ruin everything good in my life.

"What do you want?" I asked quietly, surprised my voice was as steady as it was. "I want what was taken from me" He growled. i still couldn't see him, he was hidden behind me, but I felt his breath on the back of my neck. I was just as disgusted as I was the first time he touched me, nothing changed between us.

"I can't give you back your company, Maxwell" I said strongly. Maxwell got what he deserved when James Enterprises wiped Preston Towers clean. I feel bad for the employees who served under him, but both Maxwell and my mother got what they deserved. "I don't want that company! I want all the money that I lost"

He was screaming now, and i felt my eyes well up with tears at the thought of Maxwell shooting me and nobody finding me. I didn't fear death, I just feared leaving the world too soon without ever making a difference. Or worse, I wouldn't even die when he shot me. I was just become vegetated and become a burden in my own head, that seemed much worse to me.

"How much?" I whispered, Maxwell dug the gun farther into my back. It was almost painful.

"Ten Billion"

I gasped. There was no way in hell I had that kind of money, and farther more-- Preston Towers wasn't even worth that much. "You and I both know you didn't have that much money, who are you trying to fool?" I asked, my voice finally quivering just like I expected it to.

"I don't care, get me the money and I will be out of your life for good"

"You'll never be out of my life Maxwell, there's always a sick reminder of what you did to me in my head" Maxwell chuckled and finally guided me farther into my bedroom. He shoved me back onto my bed and pointed his gun towards my forehead instead.

He looked terrible. Like he hadn't slept in months, haden't eaten and was living on the streets. Maxwell and my mother sort of disappeared off of New York's radar when they lost their company. So nobody knew how bad off they were, and from the looks of it-- they were bad.

"Where's my mother?" I asked, wondering what part she played in this sick scheme of his. He shrugged and fiddled with the back of the gun. "Bitch took off the moment I lost everything, didn't surprise me"

It honestly didn't surprise me either. My mother did a complete 180 turn around when she married this monster, she's probably already found some other ignorant wealthy man to marry. "If I give you enough money to leave town, will you leave us alone?" I asked, hoping he would take whatever I had to offer.

Maxwell smirked and bent down closer to my level, he smelled completely drunk. "I need more than even you have. Where's you cell phone?" He asked. I furrowed my brow and told him it was in my purse. He nodded and grabbed my hair and dragged me through my apartment, and yanked my phone out of my bag.

"Call him" He demanded and I immediately knew he wanted Cameron on the phone. "No" I said firmly, I would not drag Cameron into my mess. I felt the sting of Maxwell's hand across my face before he placed the barrel of the gun between my eyes. "Call him now or I'll blow your pretty little brains out. And then I'll head over to his and do the same to your precious Cameron" he growled and shoved the phone back into my hands.

I felt the tears running down my cheeks as I clicked through my phone until I found Cameron's name, and hit dial. Maxwell grabbed the phone again and hit the speaker button just as Cameron picked up.

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