Chapter Twelve.

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The next morning I woke up naked, alone and throbbing in pain. A good pain. Cameron had sucked every inch of my body at some point, leaving love bites in various places. Between my legs was aching from his large member, and I was still slightly wet from it all. I groaned in disappointment when I rolled over to find Cameron gone from the bed. But seeing the clock say it was almost eleven made me realize he had probably been up for hours, he was such an early riser.

I reluctantly rolled out of Cameron's comfortable warm bed and put my underwear back on along with my bra. My dress was somewhere else in the house, so I just grabbed Cameron's shirt off the ground and slipped it on, leaving the top four buttons open, barely exposing my cleavage. My eyes widened when I passed by the hall mirror seeing my hair was in complete disarray and resembled a crows nest sticking out of the side. There was no fixing this without using an entire bottle on conditioner, so i just tossed it into a messy bun.

I smelled something cooking when I walked down the long hallway that led to the living area, and found Cameron flipping bacon in a pan on the stove in the kitchen. He was shirtless, wearing only a pair of training shorts. A magnificent sight to see, my professional boss doing something as laid back as cooking breakfast. His back tensed up while moving around his kitchen with ease,and I heard him humming to himself. Something he only ever did when he thought nobody was looking.

I didn't want to disturb him from what he was doing, so I just popped down on one of the bar stools adjacent to the stove. I rested on my elbows and watched with a small smile as he scrabbled up some eggs and placed the bacon on a plate next to him. "Are you hungry?" he suddenly asked. And I frowned wondering how he even heard me, I've been known to walk silently at times. Something that came in handy working at Preston Towers when I didn't want Maxwell to know I was around.

"Um, yeah starving" I said softly realizing the only thing I ate last night was Cameron. And I blushed at the memory of sucking him dry last night. Cameron turned around and handed me a plate with two large waffles, scrambled eggs and a couple pieces of bacon. Of course this man could cook, what couldn't he do? perfection in human form was standing in front of me.

Cameron filled his own plate and took the seat on the bar stool to my left. "It's delicious" I mumbled with a mouth full of waffle. Some syrup dribbled down my chin and before I could wipe it up with a napkin, Cameron's mouth was on mine. His tongue flicked out to lick the sweet syrup from the corners of my mouth. "So are you" Cameron responded when he pulled away from me. I blushed and looked away down to my plate to finish the remnants of my food. But it was hard when the taste of Cameron was still lingering on my lips.

This was weird to me. So weird seeing as I was just his employee two days ago and now here I was eating pancakes half naked like it was normal business. Cameron didn't act like he regretted what we did last night, in fact he kept sending sensual glances at my legs that were crossed underneath me. When we finished eating Cameron grabbed both of our plates and rinsed them off before sticking them in the dishwasher. He walked around the counter and kissed me on the top of my head.

"i'm jumping in the shower, you should join me" He whispered into my hair. I opened my mouth to respond but the sound of my cell phone ringing in the other room cut me off. I sighed knowing my brother, Talia and regrettably my mother would probably all be trying to reach me today. "I need to get that" I mumbled saddened by the fact I wouldn't get to bask in the glory that was Cameron dripping wet in the bath.

"Take your time, you know where to find me" Cameron said softly before winking and walking down the hall. I quickly ran to his sitting room where I remembered I tossed my bag, and yanked my phone out barely answering it before the ringer stopped.

"Tommy hey!" I said breathlessly as I just ran across Cameron's apartment to answer my brother's call.

"Hey, sis! You busy?" Tommy asked, and I smiled feeling odd that my brother was now home and could just call me on a Sunday morning whenever he wanted. "No not at all" I said not wanting my brother to know I was wandering around my bosses apartment still slightly wet from the previous nights activities.

"Awesome listen, mom wants us over at their place for lunch today"

I knew this would be coming, I knew my mother would want to portray the perfect family image and have all of us together under one roof. But that didn't stop my blood from running cold, feeling that same hatred for my mother and stepfather come back to me all at once. I groaned inwardly to myself and tried to think of some way to get out of this. I wanted nothing more than to spend my time with Tommy, I just didn't want to be around my devil of a mother when he was here.

"Um, Cameron needs me in the office today" I said, smacking myself on the forehead for how lame my excuse sounded. Hell I didn't even believe it when it came out of my mouth, how the hell was Tommy supposed to believe me?

"Oh come on Ray! I've been in the desert for over a year, cant you make an exception for me?" I could hear Tommy pouting on the other end. He knew exactly what buttons to push to get me to do whatever he wanted, even when we were kids he could get me to do the craziest of things. I sighed and nodded a few times before I realized Tommy couldn't see me, before answering to him on the phone.

"Fine, what time?" I said walking out of the sitting room and gathering up my dress that was laying across a bar stool in the kitchen. "Noon, see you then sis. Love you!"

"Love you too" I said before tossing my phone onto the counter and holding my head in my hands. I groaned loudly and banged my forehead onto the counter top. How the hell was I going to get through this without blurting out what happened to my brother? Tommy would kill Maxwell, hell he would take pleasure in doing it slowly with his hands if he knew our stepfather had touched me. Maybe it would be better that way. Maybe I should just let Tommy kill him, but remembering that Maxwell was one of the most powerful men in the city reminded me that was the reason I never told anyone.

"Avery, are you alright?" I heard Cameron ask when he appeared in the kitchen. I still had my eyes closed and my head resting on the counter, but I still heard his quick footsteps before I felt his hands pull me out of my day dream.

"Fine" I said shortly, slipping Cameron's shirt off quickly before stepping into my dress. I felt tears in my eyes as wandered around the kitchen looking for my things. My insides actually hurt thinking about where I was going. I was a gazelle literally walking into the lions den, and knowing my mother she would probably say something about me untrue to Tommy.

"Sweetheart stop" Cameron said reaching out to me and grabbing my wrists making me stop. I sighed and looked up at him, seeing nothing but concern pooling around in his bright blue eyes. "What is it?" Cameron asked.

"I have to go to my moms for lunch, per Tommy's request" I said softly, biting the corner of my lip. Cameron frowned before letting go of my wrists and moving his hands to my waist where he encased me in his muscular arms. He smelled so delicious, freshly showered with a hint of his cologne. And I felt myself in another day dream, more like memory of last night as I smelled the aroma and warmth radiating off of his body. It calmed me down, Cameron always could calm me down even without him realizing he did it, or why.

Cameron gently grazed the knuckle of his forefinger down my cheek, before cupping my face and giving me a soft but breathless kiss on my lips. "Well I cant let you face those assholes alone now can I? I'm coming with you"

And so we found ourselves walking the four blocks down the street to my mother's pent house, in a building of course owned by Preston Towers. The insulting mix of Japanese, Chinese and Korean decorations all mixed together were enough to make anyone gag. The lobby was poorly decorated and you could tell whomever Maxwell hired was ignorant to Asian culture and apparently thought they all were the same. I read that their out of country sector was down 50% and I'm guessing this was why. Whoever worked for them were idiots.

When the elevator chimed at the top floor and we walked into my mother's obnoxiously big foyer, I felt the vomit rise into my throat. Cameron's hand squeezing mine was the only thing keeping me from running for the hills right now. I had no idea what was about to happen, and poor Cameron had no idea what he was getting himself into with me...

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