Chapter Twenty One.

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Cameron and I had an amazing vacation in Hawaii. It was exactly what the two of us needed together after everything we had been through. My body, mind and soul just felt incredibly relaxed. I was dreading going back to New York, I just didn't want to leave our incredible room at the luxurious resort. But knowing I was going back to a new job, made it easier to leave.

"Sweetheart, you alright?" I heard Cameron ask. We were riding in the back of a car back to his apartment. I guess I had zoned out and was staring off into space, I tend to do that quite often. "Hm? oh yes, I'm fine. I was just thinking of our vacation" I said, slightly blushing as I remembered the two of us rolling around in the sand together, naked.

"It was quite relaxing wasn't it?"

"Mmm, yes it was" I mumbled, leaning my head against his shoulder. It was almost midnight by the time we got back into New York, and I was having a hard time staying awake. "Go to sleep baby, I'll wake you up when we get there" he didn't have to tell me twice, because my eyes had closed and i was already drifting off before he could even finish his sentence.

When I finally opened my eyes, I felt weird. Like I was floating. Mainly because I was, Cameron was carrying me in his arms down the hallway in his apartment building. God I loved this man. He carried me like I weighed no more than a feather, like I was weightless. I snuggled closer into his body and let him carry me back to his apartment, although lately it felt more like my house as well than just his.

Cameron had gently laid me down on his bed and pulled the blankets over top of me. "No, don't go" I mumbled and reached for his hand. I saw him trying to walk back out of the bedroom but stopped upon hearing my voice. "I'll be right back, I just have to get our bags from the doorman" He chuckled, and kissed the top of my forehead. This jet lag must have really been kicking my ass, because my eyes felt like they had lead in them, they just wouldn't stay open.

Twenty minutes later and I felt a disturbance in the bed beside me, before I felt Cameron's bare chest pressed against my back. "I love you Avery" He mumbled into my hair, and felt his arm wrap around my waist. I tried to mumble out an "I love you too" but i felt like it came out more like a babies gurgle. Cameron laughed before kissing the back of my head and laying back down. I felt at home in his arms, and at peace and I never wanted to leave him.

"No, five more minutes mom!" I yelled out as Cameron was trying desperately to get me out of his bed. "Baby, we're going to be late for work!" Cameron chuckled as he shook me once more. It was seven AM and all I wanted was to lay in this comfy bed, but Cameron had other ideas for me. "No!" I shrieked when Cameron's fingers attacked my sides sending me into fits of laughter.

"If you don't get up, I'll give the position to Jessica!" He threatened. I gasped and bolted out of bed "You wouldn't dare!" I whispered, shaking my head.

"Oh I would, who knows what Miss. Schwartz would do to the company" Cameron was smirking, and shrugged his shoulders while staring me down. He was already dressed in his dark blue work suit that fit him perfectly, and I would much rather tear it off of him than go to work.

"Fine" I mumbled "Give me ten minutes"

I showered quickly, and slipped on the one work appropriate dress I had packed to Hawaii. I didn't have time to fix my hair so i opted to tie it in a braid and wrap it around itself to make a sort of cute bun. I was absolutely hopeless when it came to things like this. Where is Talia when I need her?

Cameron handed me a cup of coffee when I walked into the kitchen, and kissed my cheek. "When you say ten minutes, you sure mean ten minutes" He said playfully when he glanced at the clock beside the oven. "Not much to work with" I said with a laugh as I grabbed an apple out of the refrigerator. When I turned around Cameron had me encased between the warmth of his body and the coolness of the refrigerator.

Sinfully Beautiful.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang