Chapter 3

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By lunch I'm starving, I can't even think straight I'm so hungry. Making a dash for the cafeteria, I slide into the line ahead of the rest of my team and grin when they complain. I don't care though, I'm seriously dying here.

"Dude you got pms?" Rory asks, clapping me on the shoulder.

"Nope just hungry," I reply moving along with my tray. When I reach the lunch ladies I smile and get my two slices of pizza, juice, a packet of Hostess cakes and a banana. Rory sidles up behind me and begins to charm the lunch ladies, both old enough to be his grandma's but they eat his shit up and always give him extra food. Fecker. Sliding into my seat I chow down like I haven't eaten in a week when Rory sits in front of me.

"Slow down," he laughs. "I'm not fuckin' helping if you choke," he tells me.

"I didn't get breakfast," I tell him while swallowing a half chewed bit of pizza.

"The old man still home?" He asks and I nod. There are no new recruits until next week so dad is home with us this week. Rory just rolls his eyes because he knows how my dad treats me. The table soon fills up with the guys from the team and talk quickly turns to girls. Kullen is yammering on about some chick he boned over the summer but he's always full of shit so mostly we ignore him. Bishop sits next to Rory, which causes the whole table to stop talking. Rory looks at me with a shit-eating grin before he shovels more chilly-cheese fries into his mouth. I watch as not two minutes later he cocks his ass aiming at Bishop then lets the mother of all farts.

"Don't fucking sit there next time," Rory calmly tells Bishop.

I burst out laughing, choking on my food with tears rolling down my face. Bishop moves away to another table while we all laugh our asses off.

"Gobshite," Rory says glaring at Bishop.

It takes me a while to calm down and stop wheezing before I'm able to continue eating. The guys return to their conversation about girls and who they are going to try to date this year but as usual I tune it all out.

"Hey Mason," a sugary sweet voice assaults my ears. Rory hangs his head but I see his shoulders shaking, dick.

"Samantha," I nod to her. She is probably the most popular girl in the school, tall, blonde, and easy, but not my type.

"Are you coming to the party tonight," she asks, leaning into my arm.

Scratching the back of my neck, I kick Rory's dumbass leg under the table.

", I can't make it," I reply.

"You always say that," she pouts at me. My pizza summersaults in my stomach at her overly made up face.

"I'm busy," I tell her trying not to sound like a dick but some girls just don't get it. Samantha leans down to whisper into my ear, flicking her hair over her shoulder and bending at just the right angle to give me a look down her shirt.

"I really want you to come Mason, My parents won't be home," she whispers in my ear. I shiver with revulsion and Rory snorts a laugh.

"I can't Sam sorry, babysitting my kid sister," I lie. She moans or purrs I'm not sure in my ear and pouts again when she rises.

"I'll come Sam," Kullen grins at her.

"Yeah, I know, too freaking early," she shrugs.

I can't help but laugh at that, good comeback but I'm still not interested. Even if I were allowed to date I'd still run a mile from sleazy Sam. The guys watch her walk away and still laugh at Kullen. I feel a little bad for him only a little.

"You missed your chance," Rory tells me as we leave the cafeteria.

"I missed a dose of the clap," I respond making him laugh.

"That you did," he agrees. "But still, what's with the no chicks shit?"

I just shrug because I don't feel like getting into the shit my dad has imposed on me over the years.

No girlfriends in high school.

No drinking.

No partying.

No life.

Well I don't stick to all of his rules, a least not the ones I can't get arrested from but in his mind having girlfriend or having sex at all is grounds for a beat down.

"Don't ruin you life Mason, I'm warning you. No fucking sex until you can handle the consequences. You get a girl knocked up and your life is over, you'll be packing shelves in the grocery store for ten bucks an hour for the rest of your miserable life."

Yeah my dad can be an asshole because plenty of people stock shelves and they are perfectly happy. Do I want that for my future? No, I want to go to college and play ball and maybe meet a nice girl but right now I have to be careful.

"Have you ever had your dick sucked," Rory asks.

"Jesus, you have no filter," I complain.

"Just answer me," he sighs.

I can feel the heat rise on my neck but thankfully he isn't looking at me. "Yes," I reply quietly.

"Well shit," he nods looking proud again. "When?"

"Dude," I push him.

"Just tell me Mason. Why are you so closed off with that shit? I need to get you locked," he grins.

Locked = Irish slang for drunk.

"Yeah and my dad will fuck you up," I reply dryly. The truth of my words makes him frown, but then he grins and demands I spill the beans.

"Asshole," I mutter to him. "It was two years ago, okay," I moan. "Dad was away at a conference and I went to a party thrown by one of the seniors. I didn't know many people there but it was the end of year party and the whole football team went. There was this girl," I clear my throat.

"No fuckin' way, tell me the whole story," Rory demands, loving every minute of my discomfort.

"Fine, you owe me though," I punch his arm. "Anyway she was a senior and had a fight with her boyfriend. I was a bit drunk, she was crying and I was horny," I shrug. Rory barks out a laugh at me.

"Tell me she popped your cherry," he grins at me.

"Yes," I sigh.

"Nice one," he pounds my knuckles. I can't help but laugh when I remember that night. Not because it was funny or anything but because I broke pretty much every rule my dad ever set out for me. I got drunk, had sex, twice. Got a blow-job, made out with three girls and I don't even remember their names. It was a strange night, I'm almost sure I was roofied but I'll never admit it.

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