Chapter 28

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Ruby's confession floors me. How can a best friend not want to celebrate your birthday? I mean, I've only been friends with Rory for two years, and he makes a big deal about my birthday. The music slows down a little and Ruby moves closer sealing her lips to mine. She seems more forward with alcohol but I'm not complaining. I kiss her back deeply, catching the moan she makes. Her hands lock around my neck holding me to her.

"Are you okay baby," I ask after our making out.

"Yes," she nods.

Taking her hand I lead her outside to the back garden. It's chilly now and she shivers the t-shirt she has on is making it difficult not to touch her.

"I'll get your jacket," I tell her. Ruby waits until I return with her new jacket and I help her put it on.

"Smells good," she tells me taking a sniff.

"You smell better," I tell her pulling her onto my lap. "Are you having fun?"

"Yes," she sighs. "It's nice to let stuff go for a while."

"What stuff?"

"My life," she whispers. "It's nice to be someone else for now."

"Ruby, I like who you are. I like it a lot," I kiss her lips.

We stay outside in the cold for a while until we both feel a little sober. The party is still raging by midnight but most of us players are starting to feel the day. Kullen shows us to one of the rooms he said we could stay in, with a wink he leaves us. Ruby sits on the bed and I lock the door.

"My feet hurt," she pouts.

"Well Cinderella, what can I do about it," I tease. Ruby smiles at me and wiggles her foot in the air. Walking back to her I kneel down, slipping off the shoe then the other. Our eyes lock as I kneel between her legs on the floor. Reaching up, I push her jacket off her shoulders and kiss a path to her lips.

"Mason," she whispers with a slight quiver to her voice.

"It's okay, let's sleep," I assure her. Standing up I wait for her to move up the bed but she doesn't. She's watching me then she reaches for my belt. "Whoa baby," I grip her hands.

"Mason I...I want to," she says making her face flush.

"Ruby, we're both a little tipsy," I start. "I can wait baby, I promise."

She pulls my belt forcefully so that I end up on the bed beside her. Her big beautiful eyes search my face, uncertain.

"I'd love nothing more than to be with you Ruby, I swear but I'm okay with waiting. It's been two years I can hang for a few more months," I smile at her.

"I don't want to wait Mason," she says softly. "I'm not drunk I know what I'm doing," she tells me. Her lips meet mine and the kiss is hungrier. Ruby pulls me on top of her so my weight sinks us into the bed. "I'm sure Mason," she says against my lips. My resolve is breaking down but I don't want her to have drunken sex with me and regret it.

"Ruby..." I sigh.

"Do you not want too?" she asks and her eyes widen.

"I do," I smile. "I really do but um...I don't have protection and I want you to be sure."

"I'm sure and I...I have," she points to her bag on the nightstand. My eyebrows rise in disbelief. "I want to Mason, I'm as sure as I'll ever be."

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