Chapter 3 ~ Don't Touch My Bum

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Note: The last two chapters were pretty much introductory and fillers so now on to the good stuff - the episodes! :D

Episode: Season 1 - Bugs Pt. 1

I stared incredulously down into Sam's hand, my fingers gripping each back seat in the Impala from my perch behind the brothers.

"A bug? Really?" I asked, arching my eyebrows, "Sammy, if you wanted to play with bugs, why didn't you just say so?"

Sam rolled his brown eyes at my comment, poking around at the dead beetle in his palm.

"There were no tunnels, no evidence of any other kind of creature down there. You know, some beetles do eat meat. Now, it's usually dead meat-" Sam started to defend himself.

"How many did you find down there?" Dean cut him off, on hand steady on the steering wheel.

"Ten," he replied cheerfully and I chuckled at him.

Dean made a face, "It'd take a whole lot more than that to eat out some dude's brain,"

"Well, maybe there were more!"

"I don't know. Sounds like a stretch to me,"

"Well, we need more information on the area, the neighborhood," Sam countered.

"Or that something like this has ever happened before," I pointed out, pushing my black hair behind my ears.

Sam nodded in agreement. Dean hummed then, eyeing the houses passing by. Particularly, one that read BBQ in bright red letters. I rolled my eyes at his appetite.

"I know a good place to start. Kinda hungry for a little barbecue, how 'bout you?" Dean asked.

Sam gave him a look that clearly read "Really, Dean?"

"What? We can't talk to the locals?" he defended himself readily.

"And the free food's got nothing to do with it?" Sam shot back.

"Of course not! I'm a professional," he said, pulling into an empty space on the sidewalk.

I snorted at him, shaking my head. A finger was jabbed in my face then, making me go slightly cross-eyed briefly.

"Cork it, piggy!" Dean admonished and I batted his finger away with my hand.

"Says the guy who always thinks with his stomach," I grumbled, climbing out of the Impala as they did, "You know, Dean, one day you're gonna get really, really fat from all of your eating,"

"Oh and you're not on your way already, Miss I-Have-A-Sugar-Addiction?" he shot back.

Our feet squelched on the wet grass of the front lawn as we reached the front porch. Just as I was about to make a witty come-back, the door swung open.

"Welcome!" a gray-haired man in a nice suit greeted us.

"Is this the barbecue?" Dean asked immediately and I bit back a scoff at his bluntness.

"Yeah. Not the best weather but... I'm Larry Pike, the developer here. And you are?" he asked as Dean shook his hand.

"Dean. This is Sam and Parker," he told him, nodding to each of us.

We smiled at the man and shook his hand.

"Good to meet you three. So all of you are interested in Oasis Plains?" he asked, eyeing me.

I shifted uncomfortably under his gaze.

"Yes, sir," Dean nodded.

The man's expression became serious then.

"Let me just say, we accept home-owners of any race, religion, color, or..." he said warmly, his eyes falling on Dean and me, "...interracial relationships,"

My eyes shot to my hairline and I gagged at the insinuation.

"Ew, gross, we're not-" Dean began to say but Sam cut him off.

"They're just friends, actually," he told the man.

I held back an eye-roll and bit my tongue so as not to correct Sam. Dean and I were most certainly not friends.

"Great, great. Friends are welcome to come on in!" he told us cheerfully and we followed him through the house.

I shot Dean an icy glare and he sent me a dirty look back as we made the three of us made our way through the throng of people. When we arrived in his backyard, I tuned out the developer as he began to drone on about real estate, instead choosing to walk over to the appetizers table. I always hated crowds. The food was the only reason I even went to these functions with the boys. That and the for the sake of the case... Okay, okay, it was just for the food.

Oh, yeah, that and the fact that Sam and Dean always dragged me along. I began to walk in that direction when I felt Sam pull me back. Drat!

"I take it you three are interested in becoming homeowners?" a woman asked us then, red hair piled neatly in a bun at the back of her head.

Before any of us could respond, she cut us off.

"Well, let me just say that we accept homeowners of any race, religion, color or..." she chirped happily at me and Dean, "...interracial relationships,"

I felt bile rise into the back of my throat and I even think my face went green.

Dean faked a laugh, "Right, uh... I'm gonna go talk to Larry..."

He turned to go then and I smiled at the woman in fake politeness.

"'Kay, honey?" Dean said over his shoulder to me, lightly smacking my bum.

I recoiled, instantly putting my hands over my behind protectively and gaped at his retreating figure.


Silence ensued between me, Sam, and the realtor then so I excused myself to the buffet table once more. I needed food at a time like this.

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