😈 Chapter 5 😈

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P.S. there is a kissing scene in this part. Sooo get ready for a bit of cooties. 😂😂

I didn't exactly wake up to the sound of my alarm today. Today I awoke from my ring tone- well that's a first. I rolled over in my bed feeling more happier than usual (as I am NEVER a happy person, ya know I think I might have Tourette's- I mean it makes sense with the continuous swearing that I say.). Anyways I turned over in my creaky bed and picked up the phone.

"Hey Ali." I heard the depressed voice which all of a sudden lowered my mood. Well fuck. For fucks sake I just wanted to be happy for a while longer, is that too fucking much to ask for?!

"Hey jos-" I sighed, now depressed as my good mood has now fucking gone, "are you going to school today?" I asked.

"Yer, are you?" She asked.

"Yer I am-" I sighed, "I'm sorry for acting like a dickhead yesterday jos." I said.

"I'm sorry too boo! Love can do some weird things." We both giggled at the same time.

"You still walking this way?" I asked.

"Hell yes! I will be at yours in 30 minutes, don't be late!" She demanded.

"Wouldn't miss it!" I said back before hanging up and prancing over to the curtains to open them up and prance over to the bathroom to have a shower.

After a good 15 minutes of scrubbing myself I went and got some clothing out and chucked it on, wearing my
old leather jacket and my run down converse to complete the ensemble.

And just as I finished tying the last shoe lace I heard a knock from downstairs.

I made my way down and opened up the door to be greeted by a hug, "I'm sooooo glad we cleared the argument up boo!" Josie said.

She pulled away and looked at me, "I'm sorry too, but enough about that let's get going." I said.

She nodded in agreement. I locked the door behind me and side by side we walked to school.

"So, did you make it into cheer?" I asked brushing passed the bushes as I walked by.

"Yer!" Josie said excitedly.

"Well I guess we will be cheering together." I said.

"I guess we are." She squealed.

I covered my ears, "ow, jos my ears?!" I said.

We both laughed. Ahhh, I enjoyed our conversations; I was becoming more depressed the more I didn't hear her all too familiar chirpy voice.

We walked up to the all to familiar wooden doors and proceeded through to the corridors full of teens, and you know why I hate teens so much!

We walked up to our lockers to be greeted by Xavier. He didn't look in Josie's direction but was watching me.

Once we had made it to our lockers Xavier turned around and spoke to me, "hey Ali, I'm sorry for acting like a douche." He said with sadness evident in his eyes.

"You better be." I said looking back at my locker trying to get my books out which unfortunately were at the top which made it near enough impossible to reach.

Alicia: The girl who wasn't expecting this ✔️Where stories live. Discover now