😈 Chapter 23 - Xavier's POV 😈

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• Xavier's POV •

Josie gave me the letter and frantically left.

I was intrigued so I ran into the janitors closet and opened the letter.

Hey Xavier,

Before I begin I want you to know that I didn't sleep with Zak, I can't even stand the dude let alone actually have sexual intercourse with him!

Anyways, I want you to know that I'm thankful for your kindness.

When no one stood by my side, you did; this is something I am truly thankful for.

I wish it didn't end like this, I wish we could be more than just friends; but I guess we will now never know.

If I'm being honest, I loved you with all my heart.

You were the only guy I could ever see myself with.

The only reason I speak in past tense is because it can't happen, well not now anyways.

I wish you the best in life and I hope you are happy with it.

In another time I know we will be together, but right now we have different destinies.

I just wish I could have told you I love you but I guess it's too late.

With all my love,

Alicia x

I sat there with tears rolling down my face, my phone started to beep in my pocket:

Alicia's dead.

That one message confirmed my worst nightmare, she's gone!

The girl I love is gone!

Alicia: The girl who wasn't expecting this ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon