😈 Chapter 18 😈

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I awoke with a yawn.  

I looked over to my left and saw Xavier laying there peacefully.

His hair was draped over his perfectly carved face, his dimples were evident.

I wish I could just lay here forever but like usual, my alarm had to fucking go off.

The loud beeping echoed throughout my near dark room, causing Xavier to jolt awake.

"Morning." I said quietly.

Xavier turned around and smiled down at me, "morning."

He then got up and changed into his spare pair of clothes.

"You better get ready so we can leave for school." He said.

I just groaned in detest, whilst chucking my pillow over my head.

My pillow was quickly moved however by Xavier, "now!" He demanded.

Which I forcefully complied too.

I got up and grabbed my clothes from my draws.

I then went into the bathroom and changed, but before that I locked the bathroom door; just to make sure that Xavier doesn't accidentally walk in.

Once changed I got out and followed Xavier to school.

"You okay?" Xavier asked, concern laced in his voice.

"I guess." I replied, a tad bit confused myself.

"Well, did me staying with you help?" Xavier asked.

I smiled up at him, "it did help a lot." I said truthfully.

Xavier just nodded his head as a response.

For the rest of the journey it was silent.

And as soon as we walked through the school gates, Xavier was pulled away by his mates.

He looked at me for permission and I reluctantly nodded my head.

As soon as he left i was tackled by lily.

She had a huge smile plastered on her face.

"What's up?" I giggled.

Lily jumped off of me and helped me up. Once on my own two feet she squealed.

I held my ears, "calm down lily." I said.

She then stopped, "sorry." She said quietly.

"It's okay. So, what was that about?" I asked.

And as soon as I said that, Joshua came out of nowhere and hugged lily from behind.

This made me raise my eyebrows up in question.

"We're dating!" Lily squealed again.

I just chuckled, "I'm glad you two finally figured it out." I said.

"What?!" Lily said in disbelief.

"The way you two fight is like how an old marry couple fights, plus those googily eyes you two give each other." I pointed between the both of them.

Lily then giggled, "i see."

I then looked behind them and saw Bianca and Josie talking.

What surprised me is that they were looking directly at me. Strange.

I followed lily and Joshua into school, and as we walked in everyone's eyes were on me.

Why? I don't know but it was fucking annoying!

Alicia: The girl who wasn't expecting this ✔️Where stories live. Discover now