😈 Chapter 14 😈

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I was brought out of my thoughts by Luke, "Jos, you sure as hell know that he was involved in a car crash?!" Luke shouted.

Josie just smiled, "You sure about that, I mean I don't know anymore with this one." She said pointing towards me, "Her parents even told me that she is a nightmare and an awful daughter!" She said with a wicked smile.

I then stood up; there is no way that I am going to sit here and listen to this bitch bad mouth me!

So I walked out into the corridor.

And as soon as I was out of sight; I sat on the floor with my back pressed up against the wall, and cried.

I just couldn't help but cry.

How did my life become this fucked up?

Just how?

• Xavier's POV •

The bitch made Ali leave! She not only made her leave, but she also made Ali fucking cry; to say I am angry is an understatement, I am fucking fuming?!

Josie then had a fake smile plastered over her face, "Look babe, here's a spare seat." She said in her annoying voice.

"Really?! Is that how you are going to talk to the only sodding person who actually gives a damn about you?!" Luke seethed. 

Josie then turned to Zak and held his shoulder, "Zak cares about me, don't you babe?" She said.

Zak then smiled at her, "yer babe."

Josie then turned to us, "see, someone does care about me other than the hag!"

This set me off, "bitch?!" I shouted.

Josie then stared at me, "what was that?"

I smiled at her, "I called you a BITCH?!" I said more clearly.

Josie then smiled, "well, thank you for your kindness." She said.

"What?!" I said, this girl must be tripping balls or something!

Lily then whispered in my ear, "don't worry, just don't interact."

I nodded my head as a response.

"What you guys talking about?" Josie asked curiously.

"Nothing that concerns you!" I said.

Josie then laughed, "dear, everything concerns me!" She said with a smile.

This girl is seriously fucked up!

• Alicia's POV •

I sat there and kept on sniffing and trying to stop the tears from dispersing more.

Why is life so fucked up?!

After a few more moments of me breathing; I decided to go back into the cafeteria and just ignore the bitch!

As I made my way into the cafeteria, I realised that my seat had been occupied; by Josie's new boyfriend.

I walked up to the table, "get out of MY seat!" I said coldly.

Zak then slowly turned around and looked up at me, "And why would I do that?" He asked with a smile.

"Because you don't fucking belong here, as does Josie not belong here anymore-" I paused for a second, "I mean we don't take whores, sluts and well you!" I said with a smile.

Zak then turned to Josie, "Nah, I think I'm fine just sitting here!" He said.

Josie then giggled, "you tell her baby."

These two are seriously getting on my fucking last nerve?!

And something clicked, I am the bad girl!

So with that thought in mind, I violently pushed Zak off my chair and onto the floor.

I then stood directly in front of Zak's body which was laid on the floor, "Don't mess with me, I am seriously not in the mood!" And with that said I sat in my original seat.

Josie then turned towards me, "I hope your happy!" She screamed.

I smiled at her, "Actually I'm quite content."

And with that said, she ran after her boyfriend and kept on shouting 'baby'; well, she could only run so fast in those heels of hers.

"Bitch!" Lily shouted towards Josie.

"Slut!" Josie shouted back.

After Josie was far away from us, we continued to talk.

"Nice going Ali." Luke said whilst giving me a high five.

Lily then lent against the table, "aww! My baby is learning to defend herself."

I just smiled, "thanks guys but it's really nothing."

And with that said we carried on with our lunch and just talked about some random things.

Xavier then asked, "How are you after what she said?"

I smiled at him, "I'm fine, I just can't stand dealing with her bullshit."

Xavier smiled back, "understandable."

I looked around at everyone who was at our table, "guys, is it alright if I go home?" I asked.

Lily then held her hand out for me to take, "it's understandable like Xavier said." She said.

I smiled as a response.

Xavier then gave me a sideways nudge, "It's fine by me." He said.

I turned towards Luke, "please Ali, take me with you!" Luke begged.

I giggled a bit, "you can come if you want."

Luke then peeked up, "yes! Let's go get ice cream." He said excitedly. 

I smiled back as him, "hell yes!"

I then quickly stood up, "you coming Luke?" I asked.

Luke then nodded his head vigorously.

And with that we ran out of the school; with Luke driving us to the ice cream parlour.


Hey guys,

I forgot to ask this before but; If Alicia decided to date, who would you want it to be with?

Zac - The cute, mysterious shop assistant.

Luke - The childhood best friend.


Xavier - The new guy.

Alicia: The girl who wasn't expecting this ✔️Where stories live. Discover now