Chapter 2

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Something I forever surrender to when I have the chance. Something where time stops and it's just me. Alone in that moment.


I wake with a start, my body jolting up at the action. Forever on high alert.

Squinting my eyes from the brightly lit up room, i try to take in my surroundings. My eyes feel heavy as if i haven't slept at all. A pounding headache has me resting my head back down onto what i assume is a pillow.
The previous events suddenly coming back to me, i move my hand towards my side where i was shot. Lifting up a now clean shirt i see my once blood covered nasty looking wound, now patched up with stitches and a bandage. Frowning, i turn my gaze up to the room around me. The Safehouse medical room. I recognize it straight away, with the white walls, a sterile smell, the dark grey couch to the side of the room, and the cabinets full of everything that is needed.

Placing my head back down onto the white pillow, i breathe a sigh of relief. I made it. I made it back. I have no idea how, but i freaking made it back.

Hearing the door open and close, i slowly sit up.

"Hey kid" a deep voice says, who i straight away know is Danny.

Danny sits down on a dark grey chair that sits beside me, leaning forward, he clasps his hands together, giving me a soft smile, he speaks again "Thought we were gonna lose ya"

Giving him a light smile, "well, here i am" My voice sounding raspy to my ears.

Danny stands and walks towards a cabinet to grab a glass. Filling the glass with water from the sink, he walks back over to me, handing me the glass of water and sitting back down.

Thanking him, i scull the water down, enjoying the coolness of it rushing down my throat.

Running a hand through his dark hair that is turning grey on the sides, he looks at me with a worried expression.

"How're ya feelin, love?" He asks sincerely. Reaching forward to hold my cold hand in both of his warm ones.

Danny. Basically a Father to me. Finding me on the streets with no where to go. No family. No home. I was only eight, an orphan. A young girl no one wanted. He took me in, he gave me a home, he gave me a life worth living for. Giving me his last name i became Maggie Preston, no longer the 'orphan' 'the girl whose parents were killed'. I became Maggie Preston 'the girl who can fight' 'the girl who can shoot' 'the assassin'. Teaching me everything i need to know, i became strong. I became me.

"A bit woozy and sore but nothing i can't handle" I reply, giving his hand a light squeeze in which he returns.

"What happened?" I ask, furrowing my brows. "How did i get here?" I wave my free hand around the room.

Danny leans back onto the chair and breathes out deeply. Letting go of my hand, he runs a hand down his face, looking exhausted.

"Dane was in the car waiting for you to finish the job, as usual." Danny begins, resting his arms on the chairs armrests. "He knew something was up as it was taking you longer than usual, and your tracker" He stops to point at my phone that sits on the nightstand "was moving around in one spot for too long on the cars map, when normally you shoot the guy you're assigned to, then you get on outta there. He then heard the gunshots. Knowing straight away you were in trouble as your gun has a silencer on it. Phoning me straight away, we both set out to look for you. Took a bit as you were running around everywhere so fast. Who knows how, considering your condition." He stops to give me a pointed look. "I ended up finding you all bloodied up behind that dumpster. Now here you are." He waves his arms up briefly to show his point.

Looking down at the blue covers i nod. "I didn't get him" I reply. Disappointed in myself. Knowing now the guy who payed us to kill Frenzo - Frenzo is a powerful gang leader, who mercilessly kills innocent people and is one of the most wanted men in London. The guy will be furious and most likely want his money back.

Danny shakes his head in disbelief "is that honestly what you're worried about?" He asks with wide eyes. "Maggie" He grabs my hand again, i look up into his green eyes. "I'm just thankful you are okay. I thought i was gonna lose you. I consider you as my daughter, sweetheart. We'll sort it out. Leave it to me." He finishes with a smile.

"And for goodness sake!" He exclaims, glancing up at the ceiling. "If i say to put a bullet proof vest on, you bloody well put a bullet proof vest on. Understood?"

Letting out a breathy laugh i reply with a firm understood.

Giving my hand one last squeeze he lets go, now with a more serious facial expression, he takes a breath. "Now that we're on the subject of work, you won't be working for the time being. Not until you've healed." He points at me before bringing his hand back down onto the chair. "Or until i say you can."


My smile drops from my face, replacing that smile with a glare. "You can't do that" I speak firmly, sitting myself up against the headboard properly.

"I very well can do that" He matches my frustrated glare with his own. "You're injured. You got shot, you lost a lot of blood. If i didn't find you when i did, you most likely would not be here."

I clench my jaw feeling even more frustrated. "I feel. Fine." I spit out.

Chuckling at my response, pissing me off even further, he shakes his head. "Maggie, did you not just listen to a single word that i just said? You most certainly are not 'fine,' " he says, using quotation marks on the word 'fine'.

"You need me. Who else is going to do the dirty work, huh?" I grit out.

"Dane will. He is more than capable" he replies simply.

"Dane?" I scoff "It's been ages since Dane has been assigned to anybody. He does the driving," I frustratingly point out.

"It will not take long for him to get back in to the swing of things" he shrugs.

"I'm good at what i do" I state firmly "you and i both know that i am better than him."

Snapping his eyes back up to mine, he speaks up firmly "I know you're good Mags. I've never questioned it. Dane is also good at what he does as well. You," he points to me as he stands "Rest up and i will see when you can come back. End of story. Do not argue with me on this one Mags." He finishes. Leaving out the door and shutting it behind him.

Wanting to scream out in anger and frustration, i shut my eyes tightly. Taking deep breaths i open my eyes again and lay back down onto the pillow.

Not working, my ass.

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