Chapter 10

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I walk into the club looking absolutely pissed. My resting bitch face mode is on a high.

As soon as we pulled up in the car outside the club and i heard Arlo start to speak, i was outta there. I already knew the plan. I did not need to hear it again. I have no idea where Arlo and the boys will be , nor do i care. All i know is that i will be doing this my way. I will be getting the job done like i always do.

That's it.

The music inside the club is almost deafening. The club is big and dimly lit, bodies of people flood the large dance floor. Everything looks new and expensive, everyone here oozes authority with expensive taste, i feel like i stick out like a sore thumb.

Pulling my black skin tight dress down to cover my ass a bit more, i take note to give Arlo a piece of my mind for making me wear this ridiculous thing.

I squeeze through bodies of people and take in my surroundings. The back door next to the bar catches my eye, knowing that's the back room Arlo told me about.

I take a seat on a vacant bar stool and ask the bartender for a drink.

Taking a sip from the drink that is given to me, my eyes finally lock onto my target. A tall broad man in a suit, he looks all broody and important while he sits on a bar stool towards the otherside of the bar. He holds a drink in one hand and his phone in the other, just scrollng through. Two big men stand on either side of him keeping a look out, looking unapproachable.

Girls try to talk to him but he doesn't look interested in the slightest, which surprises me. His bodyguards get the women to move along quite quickly.

I knock back the rest of my drink and ask for another, knowing i'm going to need it.

I continue to take sips of my new drink, taking glimpses at my target every now and then. Biting my bottom lip, i tap my glass with my fingernails, listening to the soft clinks over the blaring music. I try to wrack my brain on how to go about this, I'm already taking too long.

I stand up, taking my drink with me. With a plan in mind i start to make my way over to him. I walk with wobbly legs, bumping into people as i go, deciding to go with the whole 'drunk, clumsy girl' look. His two bodyguards watch me carefully, i try to not make eye contact and continue to take sips of my drink to distract myself, continuing my 'drunk girl' act.

Making it closer to him, i put my plan into action. I pretend to trip forwards, knocking into his back, my drink spilling all over him.

"Shit, sorry," i slur out, trying to get my footing again.

The bodyguards are quick to grab me by my arms, holding me still. Their eyes glowering down at me. When it looks like the two guards are about to toss me out of here, my target starts to turn around in his stool.

I'm slightly taken back from how attractive he is, his dark brown eyes looking me up and down. His black messed up hair and dark stubble surrounding his strong set jaw. He looks even more attractive then he did in the photos Arlo was showing me. But then i start to think about everything he's done. All the women he has hurt, the freedom he has taken from them. He suddenly looks really unattractive.

"We'll get rid of her, boss." One guard says, i tear my eyes away from my target, and narrow my eyes at the guard who spoke.

"And how exactly will you 'get rid of me?' " I giggle with a slur. The grip the men have on my arms is close to becoming painful, i fight the urge to deck em both.

They both ignore me and start to drag me away. Just when my plan was about to turn to mush, my target stands up from the stool and holds his hands up.

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