Chapter 9

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"You want me to do what?" My hands slam down dramatically onto the table we're all sitting at, my voice is loud and full of disbelief.

"Think about it Maggie. This guy is surrounded by bodyguards 24/7. The only way to get to him is by a girl," Arlo responds to my outburst. Looking all calm and collected, leaning back on his seat.

I glare at Arlo as he just casually looks back at me.

It's been a couple days since I've been here. A couple days since working for the Mafia. It has all mainly consisted of training with the boys, a few meetings like this ridiculous one right here, and well, more training. I've taken Alonzo up on his offer- challenge to train with him. To say he's good would be a massive understatement, but i stood my ground. He seemed to be pretty impressed with me too, we're making it a regular occurrence to train together. I'm actually learning a lot.

Arlo and i have haven't spoken much since i told him my parents are dead. This would be the first time we've properly spoken since then.

And it is not a good start.

"I am an assassin. Not a freakin prostitute, Arlo," I spit out, my legs moving up onto the table.

"I am not telling you to sleep with him, Maggie," he bluntly replies, eyes narrowing at my antics. "I am simply telling you to flirt with him. Distract him. Act like you are into him. Then take him somewhere private, we will handle the rest." He finishes with a smirk, also kicking his legs up onto the table and cocking a brow upwards at me.

I also quirk up a brow and speak up again. "You guys will handle the rest?" I gesture to Arlo, Noah, Blaine and Alonzo. "What do i do? Sit back and watch? Eat some popcorn while you guys kill him?" I question sarcastically.

"Did i not just tell you what you will be doing?" He fakes confusion.

Flip sake.

"Well i think it's a great idea."

Now my glare, as well as Arlo's goes to Noah. He looks like he is enjoying this way too much.

Noah also kicks his legs up onto the table and gives us a wide grin.

The look Arlo and i are giving Noah is enough to make him slowly put his legs back down and sit up properly.

"Oh. I- i thought that this was a thing where we all have legs rested on tables, and speak our minds." Noah says sheepishly.

"Hey Noah?" Blaine speaks up.

"Yeah?" Noah asks, looking hopeful.

"Shut up."

Arlo and i go back to glaring at each other. Completely ignoring Noah.

"That is not what i do. I track them down. I kill them. I get the job done. What i do not do is flirt with a filth bag who sexually assaults young girls," i say firmly.

"No." Arlo replies, kicking his legs off the table and leans forward. "That is what you did back then. You will still get to do that, just not in this job. What you," he points to me. "Do now, is listen to me. What you do now is obey my orders, which will get the job done. Understood, Maggie?"

I stay silent and avert my gaze to the table instead. This is absolutely ridiculous, the stubborn part of me thinks. But he has got a point and it is a good plan, the more open minded side of me thinks. I want to punch that one in the face.

"Are you scared Maggie?"

Arlo's taunting voice interrupts my thoughts, making me see red. My eyes snap back to his intense hazel eyes staring back at mine.

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