Chapter 6

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I wake up feeling dazed. My eyes are hurting as i slowly open them, my head feels as if someone is repeatedly bashing me over the head with a brick. My throat feels like i'm swallowing glass. Reaching my hand up to touch my neck, i wince at the soreness and the swelling of it. Looking at my bloody knuckles, everything starts to come back to me.

Danny. Leaving. Walking home. Fight. Blank...

My eyes open wide and my breath hitches. I don't know where i am. Sitting up too quickly, the room feels like it's spinning. Laying down again, i realise i'm on a bed. A very, very comfy bed. But also very unfamiliar. 

I place my hand underneath my hoodie where my harness is. But i find no gun. My gun is gone.

Oh god.

"Looking for this?" A deep, male voice with a slight accent asks.

The voice scares the crap out of me, i quickly sit up looking for the source of the voice. The room is slightly dark but big. A tall lamp sits at the back of the room, sending a soft glow around the room. Next to the lamp sits a male figure on an armchair, he holds something in his hand. 

Seeing my panic, the man chuckles. A deep chuckle, one that vibrates around the room. He then chucks the item he's holding onto the bed i am laying on.

Looking down to the foot of the bed where the item lays, i notice that it's a gun. My gun. Swallowing hard, my eyes flicker back to him, still sitting comfortably with one leg crossed over the other. His eyes never leaving me.

His lips lift up into a half smirk as he watches me, as if he can sense what i am thinking. "The gun is empty. I took the bullets out," he tells me. His hand coming up to his chin, feeling his dark stubble. Eyes never leaving mine.

"How do you know i don't have more bullets with me?" My voice croaks out, my throat hurting even more. My hand comes up to my throat, trying to soothe the pain.

"Because i checked," he answers simply. "You really did a number on my men," he says. His head cocking to one side. "Although, they did too i guess," he chuckles out.

"Four men." He says, holding up four fingers. "The first one, you shot in the leg. My men are trained to know when a shot is coming their way. But yours, was unexpected. That's what they say." He puts one finger down, with three remaining. "The second one," he stops to laugh. A disbelieving laugh. "You beat him into a bloody pulp. You broke his nose. Did you know that?" He places another finger down, i smirk in reply. "The third one. Well, you knocked him out cold," my smirk widens. Another finger goes down, the pinky finger remaining. "And the fourth one. Kicked him in the balls now did we?" He says with a wink. I'm full on grinning now, a malicious grin. One that you could compare to the Joker.

Standing up, he slowly stalks towards me. He starts to applaud me. Slow, taunting claps.

I subconsciously move more towards the headboard of the bed, watching him. He's tall. Very tall. His white button down shirt hugs him tightly against his defined muscles and tanned skin. His brown, untamed hair sits back against his face. His hazelnut eyes, almost brown, never leaving mine once. 

Stopping at the foot of the bed, he sits down on the edge. Crossing his arms, he speaks. "I must say. I am very impressed, Maggie."

"How do you know my name?" I narrow my eyes at him. My hand still holding my swollen throat.

"I have my ways. My men have been watching you for weeks. Assessing you," he cocks his head to the side again. "And lets not forget what you did to that Frenzo guy," he says with a smirk. "I never liked him."

"What do you want from me?" I ask, trying to sound confident but failing.

"Hmmmm," he sits back. "Thought you'd never ask. I want you to work for me."

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