Pregnant Again?

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"Roza?" It was Dimitri.

I opened my eyes slowly and gazed into my husband's beautiful brown eyes. He was clutching my hand tightly. "What happened?" I asked groggily.

"We're at the royal infirmary Rose," he told me. "You fainted in the throne room earlier during Lissa's meeting."

It all came back to me and I groaned "I don't know what happened. Is Lisa alright?"

"Lissa's fine." Dimitri leaned down and kissed my forehead. "The doctor will be here in a minute".

"What's wrong with me?" I asked, suddenly a little worried. Just then, the doctor walked in. He was a blond moroi and carried a pleasant smile. He gave a respectful nod to Dimitri and turned to me.

"Mrs Belikov. I have some good news for you" the doctor said. I couldn't help smiling when he called me Mrs Belikov. I loved it when people called me by Dimitri's last name. "Have you been nauseous lately? Any vomiting?"

"Actually, yes. I have" I said, frowning. "I used to get nauseas in the past when strigoi was around."

"Well, Mrs Belikov. It has nothing to do with Strigoi this time". The doctor was smiling. "At least I hope not."

I was confused "what is it?"

"Congratulations Mrs Belikov, you are three months pregnant."

I froze for a minute. Damn. Lissa's pill was working really well. This is my second pregnancy. I
wasn't surprised though considering all the free time Dimitri and I had as one of the king and queen's many guardians. And what Dimitri and I did with our free time was quite obvious now that I was pregnant again, barely a few months from our last baby.

Before I could react, Dimitri's arms were around me, wrapping me tightly in his warm embrace. "Thank you Roza" he whispered in my ear. "My Roza." And then he kissed me, I responded eagerly. He kept one hand on my back while the other slid down to my belly and caressed it gently.

When we finally pulled away from each other, I looked into Dimitri's eyes and found that they were filled with tears. "Hey" I stroked his cheek gently. "What's wrong?"

"I'm just happy" he smiled.
       I grinned, stroking his cheek. I remembered how much Dimitri wanted a kid. I always felt bad that I wouldn't be able to give him one. I often asked him if he regretted not taking Tasha's offer and he had always told me that all he needed was me, but I knew that he wanted a child.
       Now Dimitri can have everything he wants. We already have a little baby boy, but I think a little mini me would make our family even better.
Lissa wasn't too happy to let me go. In the past, she would have cried and asked me not to, but we've grown so much over the years. Lissa respected my choice and agreed to let me and Dimitri leave court. I was going to miss her so much, but I knew I was making the right choice. Dimitri and I are going to live in Baia with his family.

"Daddy! I'm hungry!" My son, Dylan cried as he pulled on Dimitri's duster. He was holding my hand tightly and we were standing outside Dimitri's  house in Baia.

I squeezed his little hand "don't worry comrade, I'm sure your grandma will make sure you never get hungry again."

Dimitri laughed and patted Dylan's head lovingly. He rang the doorbell of his house and after a few minutes Olena opened the door. We were greeted with a series of hugs. Olena smiled warmly at us and touched our cheeks "I'm so glad you guys are here." She turned to me "and Rose, I am so happy to hear about your pregnancy."

"Thank you" I said, rubbing my slightly protruding belly. Smiling, Dimitri put his hand over mine and kissed me on the cheek.

Olena turned to Dylan "and you, my little grandson!" She gave Dylan a hug "you look just like your father when he was young. How are you doing, my dear?"
"I'm hungry!" Dylan immediately said.

Dimitri chuckled and swung our son up into his arms. "Come on buddy, daddy will get you some food."

"Rose!" I turned and saw Viktoria. "I'm so glad you're back! I'm so sorry about what I said before you left" Viktoria came down the stairs and hugged me. She was carrying a baby in her arms and was heavily pregnant.

"It's alright" I patted her arm gently. I looked at her baby "what's her name?"

Victoria smiled "Rosalie, it sounds a lot like your name. I hope she can grow up to be just like you".

"Then you're going to have a lot of trouble" Dimitri chuckled. He took the baby into his arms and rocked her. I couldn't help grinning. He was such a good father.

Olena came over and took the baby and Dimitri wandered into the kitchen to find our son. She turned to me "You should go and rest. I've put everything back into Dimitri's old room. You guys can stay there".

"Thank you Olena." I smiled and headed to the kitchen to find my son and husband.

Dylan was stuffing his face with bread and sausages. "Dimitri!" I cried in horror "don't let him eat so much!"

Dimitri came over and wrapped his arm around my waist, caressing my baby bump with his free hand. "Don't worry, I had a big appetite when I was young too." I sighed and let it go, laying my head against Dimitri's chest.

Dylan scarfed down the entire plate of food Dimitri gave him and came over to us. He placed his little hand on my baby bump and looked at it in wonder "Is there really a baby growing in mommy's belly?"

Dimitri and I smiled "yes."

"How did it get in there?"

"Well..." Dimitri gave me a quick kiss on the lips "mommy and I made it with love."

Dylan looked confused "with love?"

I ruffled his soft brown hair, loving how it felt just like Dimitri's "you'll understand when you're older."

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