Happy Birthday

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      After much cursing and battle cries, I gave birth to our children. I was exhausted and when I looked down at Dimitri's hand, I realized that I had clutched it so hard that it was bright red. "You okay?" I ask Dimitri.
    Dimitri looked puzzled. "Am I okay? I'm supposed to be asking you that."
    I waved his hand in front of his face and laughed "I mean this." And then I noticed that it was literally bruised. My smile faded. "Oh shit. I really hurt you."
    "Yes. Watching you in pain hurt me." He clutched his chest and pretended to groan. "It hurt so much here that I didn't even notice my hand." I kissed my hand quickly "I would let you cut off my hand if you wanted. Anything to make you feel better my love."
     I laughed just as Olena brought our babies back in. They were all clean now and wrapped in fluffy yellow blankets. She put my little girl in my arms and let Dimitri hold the rest, two boys and one girl. I watch as Dimitri kisses them each on their tiny foreheads and comes over to peck me lightly on the lips too.
   I smile and look down at my daughter "Larissa" I say, remembering my best friend, Lissa.
   "Beautiful." Dimitri kissed my cheek.
   I looked over at Dimitri's arms " I thought the biggest one could be named Mason." I choked on his name and Dimitri nodded.
    "Of course." He smiled at me gently. "And the skinny little guy can be Christopher."
    I laughed. "And the last little girl, she's very pretty. I think she can be Adriana."
    Dimitri chuckled "I think that's perfect."
    Dimitri starts to lean in and just before our lips meet, the door bursts open. "Rose!" Someone yelled loudly.
     I groaned loudly, not just because my kiss was interrupted, but also because I recognized the cheerful voice. It was my father. "Dad!" I said with another groan. "I was in the middle of something! Why didn't you knock?"
    My dad and mom strode in to the room. Dylan followed them, wearing several thick rainbow scarves. They matched my father's. "Oh my god." I stared at my son. "Dad! What the hell did you do to my son? He looks like a fucking hobo!"
   My dad and my mom both frowned, clearly not pleased with my word choice in front of my son. But I was so exhausted they just slipped out. Dimitri just looked amused. He gave my parents a shrug "She just a little tired. Been swearing for a few hours."
   My parents decided to let my swearing go and came over to my bedside. "Oh my. They are beautiful." I smile as she fawns over the babies.
    Meanwhile, dad is harassing my husband again. "So how about that hunting trip?" He was asking Dimitri.
    "Dad." I sighed. "How long are you going to keep threatening my husband? He's not my boyfriend anymore. He's part of the family now."
     "Of course. Although, I find it hard to trust a guy who got my daughter pregnant again one month after the giving birth to her first child. Rose. If he's pressuring you to do anything, I'll-"
     I cut him off. "Stop. He's not pressuring me." I grinned at Dimitri. "We're just...very active."
     Mom turned to me "Rose. I think it's great that you to are so...in love.But it's not good for your body. You should rest before you have a another baby. You do know that you're not supposed to...um...do the thing for some time after you give birth right?"
   "I know. I know mom." I rolled my eyes. "I'm an adult now. I don't need a lecture. Dimitri and I can control ourselves. Right?" I looked at Dimitri.
    He looked uncertain. "Right."
    My mom looked extremely suspicious.
     I guess mom was right to be suspicious after all. Our babies fell asleep early and didn't cry. Most dhampir infants don't cry, but just to be sure, we sent Dylan to sleep with Olena incase the babies cry and disturb his sleep.
    And so Dimitri and I were alone in bed, with the sleeping babies on the other side of the room. Dimitri's arms were around me and my face was nestled into his chest. Something hard was poking me and I tried hard not to grin. I kissed Dimitri's chest and ran my hands over his bare chest. He groaned softly. "Rose. You're killing me." He said in a husky voice.
   "And why is that?" I pressed myself closer against him, feeling his warmth seep into me. I was wearing nothing but a lacy black thong. Dimitri had on a pair of boxers and pajama shorts. But I had a feeling those were coming off soon. 
  Dimitri shifted away from me, his dark eyes glittering in the dark. "Rose. Remember what your mom said. We can't."
  "Screw what my mom said." I pulled him back to me. My body was aching for him. I pressed my lips to his and he answered me hungrily.
   He pushed me away gently for a minute and started to get up. I frowned and tugged on his arm. I was missing him already. "Where you going?"
   "Protection." He said, getting up. I yanked him back down on the bed and rolled on top of him, pining him under me. My long dark hair formed a curtain around our faces.
   "I can't wait for that long." I whispered as I bent down and lowered my face to his. Dimitri hesitated for a minute and finally gave in. His mouth crashed down on mine. So much for controlling ourselves. I guess baby number six will be coming soon...

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