The Most Beautiful Thing

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"Dimitri," I finally whispered, my voice sounded foreign even to myself, "did I just...just...lose Dimitri?"

          "Rose...I" Lissa started to say but I cut her off.

          "Please save him! Please!" I pleaded, slowly pushing myself up and standing next to Dimitri's lifeless body.

          "Christian! Go away!" Tasha's voice made my head snap up. She was fighting against Christian as he tried to drive his stake into her chest.

          "Christian!" I yelled. "Please give that to Dimitri! You saw what Tasha did! She's gone too far!"
           Christian turned to me, his eyes wavering.

My heart surged with hope. "Please. Dimitri's your friend! We're your family too. Family isn't just blood related people! It's people who care for each other and protect each other! We are your family Christian!"

         I could see that I had gotten through to him. He looked back at Tasha who was snarling at him. "I'm sorry aunt Tasha. I love you," Christian whispered before tossing me the stake.

Lissa knelt down next to Dimitri's body and took the stake from my hands. "Come, Rose, we can do it together," she said gently. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I wrapped my hands over Lissa's and together we shoved a stake into my husband's chest. I knew that I was not killing him, but it was still killing me. As the stake sank into his chest, a blinding fire enveloped the three of us and I lost all feeling. My entire body was numb.

When the fire finally dissipated, Dimitri was lying in my lap, his arms around my waist and his head nestled against my baby bump.

I turned back and saw Lissa smiling at me. Christian had his arms around her, looking dazed. I mouthed 'thank you' at them. Lissa mouthed back 'what are best friends for'. Christian simply nodded.

I looked back down at my husband. "Dimitri?" I whispered, gently stroking his cheek. His eyes opened slowly. I noticed that the gunshot wound on his chest was gone. Tears were running down his beautiful face. "Roza. My angel," he whispered, staring up at me.


    "So how does it feel?" I whispered to Dimitri later that night as we lay in bed, wrapped snugly in each other's arms. We were in one of the empty dorms at the Academy. But don't worry. We're not doing anything inappropriate. For now. "Turning back from being strigoi. How was it?"

     "Umm..." he rubbed my baby bump thoughtfully. "I don't remember much. All I can remember is the moment I opened my eyes and saw the most beautiful thing in the world."

    I laughed, snuggling closer to his warm chest. "Is it my hair? The most beautiful thing." I smiled as I remembered a moment we had shared a long time ago.
    "There's nothing beautiful here. Only death."
   "That's only true if you let them make it true," I said desperately. "Find one thing. One thing that's beautiful. Anything. Anything that shows you're not one of them."

    His eyes were back on me, studying my face silently. Panic raced through me. It wasn't working. I couldn't do this...I was about to tell him that we had to get out of there when he suddenly spoke. His voice was barely a whisper. "Your hair."

   Dimitri gently wiped his thumb over my cheeks. "Roza, why are you crying?"

    I sniffed, feeling a little silly for getting all teary. "I just can't believe I'm really here with you," I whispered. "What would I do if I lost you again?"

   Dimitri chuckled and pressed a tender kiss to my forehead. He slipped his hand under my shirt to touch my bare baby bump. "You can never lose me. You are carrying a little part of me right now. Our children are part of us. You will never be without me."

    "So is it my hair?" I asked, sliding my hand over my round belly to join his.

    Dimitri leaned in closer and whispered in my ear, "It's your breasts."

   I giggled and pulled back a bit. "My breasts, huh?"

   Dimitri pulled me closer to him, his hand sneaking up from my belly to caress my breasts. "Yes. The most beautiful thing ever."

   I yawned loudly and Dimitri groaned. "Are you going to sleep?" He pouted, looking disappointed.

   Giggling softly, I allowed my heavy eyes to close. "Goodnight comrade. I love you."

   As I drifted to sleep, I could vaguely hear Dimitri's voice whispering something to me.

   "You're the most beautiful thing in the world. Rosemarie Hathaway. Every single perfect part of you."

   Hi! I hope you guys liked this! By the way, the flashback part about Rose's hair is from Last Sacrifice (one of my favourite parts of the book). Anyways, I think this is a decent place to end this story.

Don't forget to check out the new story that I'm working on! It's called She's My Queen and here's the link:

:) thanks and have a great day!

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