I Love You

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"Tasha I-" I tried to say but Tasha cut me off.
"No Rose. Before you say anything, I want you to know that I am sorry. Also, I have no romantic feelings for Dimitri anymore. I'm just here because Dimitri is the only one who can keep me safe."
I glared at Tasha, my hand draped over my baby bump protectively. I growled "Look, Tasha. I won't forgive you, ever. But I'll let you live for Lissa. At least for now. Don't let me regret this." Without waiting for her to reply, I walked up the stairs and back to me and Dimitri's room.
Dimitri was on the bed with Dylan tucked under the covers. He was reading one of his cowboy novels to him. Dylan yawned as Dimitri stroked his hair. I smiled and walked over to my husband and son.
"Mommy!" Dylan grinned up at me and shifted over on the bed to make room for me. I smiled at him and slid under the duvet next to him. Dimitri put down his book and gave me a light kiss on the lips.
"Ew!" Dylan wrinkled his nose at us and Dimitri chuckled. I laughed and ruffled Dylan's hair, it was silky and brown, just like Dimitri's.
Dimitri slid into the bed next to me and put his hand on my belly. Suddenly, I felt something kick inside my stomach. Dimitri's eyes widened "they're kicking!" I said excitedly.
I sat up slowly and lifted my shirt. "Oh my god!" Cried Dylan "Mommy your belly is moving!"
Dimitri and Dylan placed their hands on my belly as our babies kicked. "Your brothers and sisters are kicking because they are excited to see you" I told Dylan.
"I don't know if I'm ready" muttered Dylan as he took his hand off and curled up in the bed next to Dimitri. Soon, he was fast sleep.
I turned to Dimitri and our lips met. Without Dylan watching, our kiss soon deepened into something hot and passionate. For a few minutes, I forgot all about the kicking in my belly. There was only Dimitri and me. No matter what happens or how much time passes, I will always be crazy in love with Dimitri.
When I woke up, Dimitri was gone. Dylan was already awake. He was sitting on the floor playing with some of Dimitri's old toys which mostly consisted of plastic swords, daggers and other weapons.
"Where's daddy?" I asked him. I stood up and felt slightly awkward with my heavy belly.
Dylan shrugged "I don't know where. But he went with the weird lady. She was crying and touching daddy."
Tasha was touching my husband? I hurried to my son and kissed him on the head "baby, stay here and don't move okay? Mommy will be back soon." Dylan nodded.
I nearly ran down the stairs and that's when I saw Dimitri and Tasha kissing.
Dimitri POV

"Dimitri!" Tasha cried "I'm so scared!" Tears streamed down her cheeks and she sniffed loudly. "I saw it! The strigoi!" Tasha had called me into her room saying that she was scared and had seen a strigoi.
"Tasha. Calm down." I reached out to pat her arm and she grabbed my hand tightly. "What are you doing?" I tried to pull my hand back. She gripped my hand and refused to let go. I couldn't pull too hard in fear of hurting her. Moroi were too weak. And of course, I couldn't hurt her because they come first.
"Oh Dimka! I love you" she whispered. She stepped towards me and wrapped her arms around me.
I growled and pushed her off me, feeling repulsed. "Tasha Ozera! Were you lying to me? Is the real reason you're here because you still want me?"
"Yes!" She said, stepping towards me again. I stepped back.
"I love Rose, and only Rose. She is the only one for me. Forever and always." I growled at her. "You may have been a friend, but if you keep doing this, I don't know what I will do to you."
Tasha laughed "ah Dimka. There's something I forgot to tell you."
I narrowed my eyes "What is that?"
She showed me a silver ring on her finger "a ring charmed with spirit. Spirit is more powerful than I ever thought possible. With this, I can use compulsion as strong as Lissa's. Until the ring's power wears off, that is. But what I'm doing," she smiled "won't take that long."
"What-" I started to say but she cut me off and looked into my eyes.
"Kiss me" she said. I suddenly wanted to kiss her. I leaned down and kissed her.
"Dimitri! What the hell?" I yelled at my husband, pulling him away from Tasha.
"Rose?" He looked dazed as he blinked at me. "What happened?"
I spun around angrily to face Tasha. "You used compulsion on him to make him kiss you!"
Tasha smiled and shrugged. "Get out!" I growled, grabbing her and shoving towards the door.
Her smile grew wider as she turned to face me" oh no Rose. You may be strong but you're no match for spirit." She looked into my eyes and before I could protest, she spoke. "Get out of the house, go to a bar. A dark one, preferably with lots of moroi. Let them have you, do not talk, do not resist, do what they want."
I nodded and left.
"You're a sexy one." The moroi guy wrapped his arm around my waist and stroked my huge belly. "I love pregnant dhampirs. It really turns me on."
He slid his hand under my dress to touch my bare baby bump. His other hand undid the button of his jeans and then moved over to pull down my underwear. Everything felt hazy. I wasn't sure what I was doing.
And then I heard his voice. "Roza!" Hearing him say my name made me snap back to my senses. Everything was crystal clear. Tasha. That back stabbing bitch.
I kicked the Moroi and twisted his hands, breaking them. When he lay on the ground writhing in pain, I turned and flung myself into Dimitri's arms.
"I love you" I whispered.

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