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Watching Dimitri bake bread was like a dream come true. Even while wearing an apron and having flour all over his hands, Dimitri still looked like a god. I was grinning like an idiot as I watched him place the bread tray into the oven. He wiped flour off his hands onto his apron and turned to me. "Why do you look so happy?" He asked me as he came to sit beside me on the table next to the oven.

"You're just so hot when you're baking bread" I laughed and kissed him. I suddenly remembered sitting here with Olena when Dimitri was strigoi. How devastated I was back then. Olena had told me about teaching Dimitri to make his own bread. I remember trying to imagine Dimitri baking bread.
      I intertwined my fingers with his and put my head on his shoulder "I'm so glad you're here. I'm so happy. It feels like a dream".

Dimitri laughed and nuzzled my hair "It feels like a dream to me too." He looked down at my growing baby bump and slid his hand under my shirt to touch my bare belly. "You have given me everything I have ever wanted. I can't tell you how happy I am, Roza. I love you so much".

"I love you too" I kissed him. His lips responded eagerly and fiercely. His hands slid upward, helping me pull my shirt off.

"Good god," a voice made us jump apart. We turned and faced Viktoria. I flushed. "Oh my god! This is a kitchen. Dimitri, control yourself! Your son could be coming home at any minute!"

Blushing, I hastily put my shirt back on.

     "I'm sorry sis." Dimitri took my hand and pulled me out of the kitchen. "We'll talk to you later, we've got some...guardian business to discuss."

I laughed once we reached our room. "Guardian business?"

"Yes. We need to have a serious talk," he whispered as he pushed me down onto the bed and kissed me hungrily. "Olena said that she wanted to take Dylan to the ice cream shop after they have lunch, so we have some time before they get back".
      "Hmmm..."I pulled him down against me, breathing hard. "Great, let's talk."

      No words were exchanged, and soon, all our clothes were off.

Dimitri truly is a god when it comes to sex. I still remember the first time we did it back in the cabin at St Vladimir's. That was amazing. And even after a million times, it's still amazing. If dhampirs could have children without pills, we would probably have a house full of children by now.
I woke up with Dimitri's arms around me. Our son lay between us, his face pressed into Dimitri's chest. I kissed each of them on the cheek and watched as Dimitri's eyes fluttered open. He gave me a sleepy grin and kissed me. Dylan stirred but didn't wake up.

"Morning wife" he stroked my hair.

I smiled "Morning husband".

We looked down at my belly and found that it was getting huge. I frowned and stood up, going over to the mirror to examine my stomach. It had grown so big it was nearly the size of Viktoria's belly. But Viktoria was eight months pregnant, almost due.

"Dimitri." I said as he came to stand beside me.

"Hmm?" He was looking at my stomach with awe.

"I think my belly's too big." I said. "Is there a doctor somewhere? I think we should see if there's something wrong with the baby."
"There's nothing wrong with the baby" the doctor said. "Actually I should say babies."

"What?!" Dimitri and I cried in unison.

The doctor laughed at our surprised faces. "You're having quadruplets, Mrs Belikov."

"Quadruplets?" My hand flew to my stomach. "I'm carrying four babies?" Dimitri was smiling so widely it looked like it would hurt.

"Oh Roza" he came to kiss me. "I'm so happy".

"Wait." I called to the doctor, a little worried. " How big will my stomach get?"

"It's hard to say" said the doctor. "It will definitely be larger than normal."

I groaned. "No! I'm going to get stretch marks for sure!" I glared at Dimitri "how could you do this to me? Four is too much!"

Dimitri looked proud of himself as he kissed my belly. "I'll still love you even if you have stretch marks."

"You better, comrade. If you don't, its hard to say what my mother and Abe will do to you." I said with an evil grin.

Dimitri shuddered and I laughed.

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